
Each year, the National Alliance for Caregiving hosts a National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions at the annual conference of the American Society of Aging (ASA) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA).

The overall goal of the National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions is to cultivate a strong foundation of support for family caregivers throughout the United States. This conference allows the Alliance to support established, effective, and sustainable caregiving coalitions and identify coalitions that exist but are not linked to the Alliance network. Through this annual conference and technical support throughout the year the Alliance has been able to establish a database of 75 state and local caregiving coalitions. The Alliance has also been able to establish an advisory panel of coalition experts that make up our Advocacy Task Force.


Fifth Annual National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions, 2011

The Alliance hosted its Fifth National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions on April 27 at the 2011 American Society on Aging Conference in San Francisco. Over 120 people attended the event this year, and we would like to thank our sponsors for making this conference possible: Pfizer and Sanofi Aventis.

This half-day event discussed the recently released “e-Connected Family Caregiver: Bringing Caregiving into the 21st Century.”

Attendees were able to hear from six experts on topics ranging from the results of the Alliance’s e-Connected Family Caregiver study, federal policy and the Year of the Caregiver to best practices in advocacy, raising awareness, direct service and recognizing family caregivers.

Download presentations from this conference:



Fourth National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions, 2010

The Alliance hosted its Fourth National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions on March 15, 2010 at the Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging (ASA) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA). Over 150 people attended this event again this year and we would like to thank our sponsors for making this conference possible: Evercare, the Langeloth Foundation and Pfizer.

This half-day event discussed the recently released “Survey of the Economic Downturn and its Impact on Family Caregiving” and “Caregiving in the U.S. 2009″.

U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, a leading voice in health care reform and sponsor of the Retooling the Healthcare Workforce for an Aging America Act of 2009 also attended this event to discuss the importance of sustaining advocacy and coalition work during these tough economic times.

Download presentations from this conference:



Third National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions, 2009

The Alliance hosted the Third National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions on March 18, 2009 at the Annual Conference of the American Society of Aging (ASA) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA). Over 300 participants registered for the event. We would like to thank the Langeloth Foundation, Evercare, Wyeth/Elan Alliance and Intel Corporation for sponsoring the conference.

This half-day event provided an opportunity for participants to learn from coalition leaders about evaluation tools, sustainability, innovative caregiving programs, fundraising, and outreach to caregivers and other organizations. Lynn Friss Feinberg of the Family Caregiver Alliance delivered the keynote on a national perspective on family caregiving in an aging America. Brian Duke from the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging spoke to the Caregiving Coalitions on “What Is Your Ask?” in which he instructed them to always be ready with a unified voice on what it is they want when addressing their Congress people and Senators.

Download the presentations from the conference:



Second National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions, 2008

The Second National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions was held on March 26, 2008, as a pre-conference event to the joint American Society on Aging/National Council on Aging annual meeting in Washington D.C. Nearly 100 members of caregiving coalitions from twenty-four different states participated in the event, where they learned from seasoned coalition leaders about sustainability, fundraising and evaluation.

Download presentations from the conference:



First National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions, 2007

The First National Conference for Caregiving Coalitions was held on March 5, 2007 as a pre-conference event to the joint American Society on Aging/National Council on Aging annual meeting in Chicago. Over 100 people attended the conference; 87 of who were representing coalitions. Attendees participated in a range of sessions including Creating a Legacy, Advocacy Campaigns and Activities, Working with Legislators, and Fundraising.

Download presentations from the conference: