President Obama & Vice President Biden Honor the Nations TOP COPS

President Obama TOP COPS 2012

President Barack Obama greets 2012 National Association of Police Organizations Top Cops honorees following his remarks in the Rose Garden of the White House, May 12, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) May 12, 2012. (Official White House Photo)

Today, in a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Obama and Vice President Biden honored the winners of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) TOP COPS award for law enforcement who have shown bravery and valor in the line of duty.
President Barack Obama, joined by Vice President Joe Biden, National Association of Police Organizations President Tom Nee, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano delivered remarks on the imporant role law enforcement officers play, how they put their lives on the live every day to keep America's citizens and neighborhoods safe.  The President  noted:
 You know, I look forward to this event each and every year, because it’s a chance to say thank you.  Every day, hundreds of thousands of law enforcement officers keep our neighborhoods safe, and frankly, they don’t ask for a lot.  They don't ask for a lot of credit.  They don’t go to work planning to be heroes.  They just do their jobs.

But when you put on that badge, you assume a special responsibility.  And every time you put it on, you never know if this day will be the day that you’ve spent your entire career training for -– the day when just doing your job and being a hero are exactly the same thing.  For the men and women standing behind me, America’s Top Cops, that day came.  And when it did, they were ready.  They didn’t flinch.  They didn't back off.  There are people who are alive today only because of their courage.

President Obama also remarked that we must continue to to support our men and women in law enforcement, like the Top Cops and work to make their line of work safer and more effective because, he said:

Our safety will always depend on the quiet heroism of ordinary Americans, like the ones that we recognize today.  We will be forever in debt to those who wear the badge; to men and women with a deep sense of duty, and a willingness to serve and sacrifice on our behalf.  And I think these individuals don't mind me saying that they are representative of the sacrifices and that quiet courage that exists among law enforcement officers all across the country -- and their families, because I know the strains of families in such a difficult job is significant as well.  And those families, those of you who are here today, we want to say thank you to you as well.

So, again, to the 2012 Top Cops, thank you for everything you do.  God bless you and your families.  And God bless the United States of America.  All right. 

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