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Air Force Report: Scholarship Semifinalist


Air Force Report: Scholarship Semifinalist

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 10.12.2012

A high school student at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey is in the running for a prestigious scholarship. Hosted by Staff Sgt. Mike Hutchinson. Also available in high definition. View Video

Air Force Report: Weapons Loader


Air Force Report: Weapons Loader

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 10.12.2012

One Airman really loves her job of loading bombs on aircraft. Hosted by Staff Sgt. Mike Hutchinson. Also available in high definition. View Video

Air Force Report: This Week In Photos


Air Force Report: This Week In Photos

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 10.12.2012

The Air Force week in photos. Hosted by Staff Sgt. Mike Hutchinson. Also available in high definition. View Video

Air Force Report: Red Cross Volunteer


Air Force Report: Red Cross Volunteer

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 10.12.2012

A military spouse volunteers some of her time as a dental assistant. Hosted by Staff Sgt. Mike Hutchinson. Also available in high definition. View Video

Around the Air Force: Scholarship Semifinalist


Around the Air Force: Scholarship Semifinalist

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 10.12.2012

A high school student at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey is in the running for a prestigious scholarship. Hosted by Staff Sgt. Mike Hutchinson. Also available in high definition. View Video