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News > Air Force offering second round of VERA/VSIP
Round Two
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Air Force offering second round of VERA/VSIP

Posted 1/3/2012 Email story   Print story


1/3/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force is offering a second round of voluntary early retirement authority and voluntary separation incentive pay beginning Jan. 9.

The move is part of the Air Force's continuing effort to meet the Department of Defense requirement to maintain civilian funding at fiscal 2010 levels

"The Air Force recognizes the invaluable contributions of our civilian workforce, but also recognizes the fiscal constraints under which the Department of Defense and the government as a whole are operating," said Maj. Gen. Sharon Dunbar, the director of force management policy. "We are working to balance mission needs while taking care to minimize the effect on our current permanent civilian workforce and their families."

The first round of VERA/VSIP was used as a voluntary means to reduce civilian workforce levels, enabling strategic rebalancing efforts. As the Air Force continues its fiscal 2012 civilian workforce restructure, round two of VERA/VSIP will be used to further realign and rebalance the civilian force.

Civilian employees will receive VERA/VSIP eligibility surveys from their personnel managers in January and applications are due Feb. 3 or an earlier date established by local authorities. Applicants approved for this round of VERA/VSIP will need to separate on or before April 30.

"We are pursuing all available force management measures, to include civilian hiring controls, where required, with the goal of avoiding involuntary measures for our current permanent workforce," Dunbar said.

In August, the Air Force instituted a 90-day hiring freeze that was lifted as an Air Force-wide control Dec. 16. Hiring controls remain in effect in some areas and vary by major command, depending on current MAJCOM strength relative to approved funding levels. Of the positions already identified for elimination, many were vacant, and the freeze created additional vacancies. By lifting the Air Force-wide freeze, MAJCOM managers and hiring officials will be able to hire personnel into vacant positions that remain to support the future Air Force mission.

For any information about civilian employment, voluntary separation programs and other personnel issues, visit the secure Air Force Personnel Service website at

2/29/2012 8:54:03 AM ET
Hiring freeze and elimintation of positions has caused problems in our department. With both military and civilian working side by side, we are now doing much more work with half the work force. Everyone is stressed-had a suicide attempt due to that. The powers that be can't keep taking personnel away while piling on the work and expecting us to just smile through it. Something's gotta give. How many people have to try and kill themselves before they realize enough is enough.
ellemarie, florida
1/13/2012 1:46:30 PM ET
The waste of furniture is correct. If people want furniture they need to go DRMO and get stop wasting money. The chairs need to be changed because they wear out. cubicles are a waste and provides people a place to hide and not do work and the shrines omg who wants to see pics of your familyBoth civilian and military have their share of clingons. In the military it's called darwanism the stupid and criminal usually go out the door early followed by the messups later in the career. They need to have mandatory long and short tours TDY's distributed evenly. If they miss movement dump them with no CJR.civilians some of them should not be in. They just need a job and perform poorly. having to do someone elses share of the work finish I would like to request we get rid of AFWAY and lets buy for the best price on quality products. It is our taxmoney being ripped off by some evil monster. Someone help and take legal action to get rid of AFWAY we could save enough money there
Chief, texas
1/12/2012 7:01:36 AM ET
i say filter thru the civilian side and only keep the workers. there's alot of civilians just skimming by and dont work from what i saw first hand. with me being military i dont have much say on civilians but with what i saw i just shook my head and thought what a waste of funds.when i tried to say something about this i was told to shut up and color.
mike, italy
1/9/2012 8:05:37 AM ET
This is an example of why we as individuals need to try and stay up-to-date with current US a chance to be prepared again a chance.The one thing that I Think we can agree on is--there are some civil servants that should be RIF'd but most likely they are the ones that have tenure and will stick around because they probably could not make it on the outside...Needs-Behavior-Goal.
Izzy, Lackland
1/6/2012 1:19:56 PM ET
For those complaining about the GS always getting the buyout I have ben both military and civilian and there are pros and cons to each side. With force reduction military members are paid a severance pay and there have been times that early retirement has been offered. On the civilian side there is VSIPVERA. There is nothing unfair about this. I for one preferred my military time to being a civilian. Everyone just quit compalining. We all signed up for this and we have it good compared to the rest of the country right now. Lets count our blessings and call it a day.
Beth, Rapid City SD
1/6/2012 8:55:16 AM ET
How about we start doing less with less? When's that going to start?
1/6/2012 8:12:06 AM ET
I think the AF needs to eliminate the ATA conference to save money and the Recruiting conference, both are a version of tailhook and a waste of money.
1/5/2012 3:40:31 PM ET
I saw this same budget scrambling right after Vietnam ended. Nothing like same news years later. I am still blessed to have a government job. Sometimes we can't all have our cake and eat it too. Wait - the good ole boy system is still in place. Right - you know who I'm pointing the finger at
Alan, Scott AFB
1/5/2012 9:59:50 AM ET
I agree with Mitch in can a GS employee retire with no retirement office to assist The AF might be able to retire more people if our questions were answered and our retirement estimates confirmed.
1/5/2012 9:08:39 AM ET
Suprise WG's and WS's were offered and received the buy outs here. Lots of middle management are looking for work from here and I'm still waiting to get an offer.
Brenda, Robins AFB
1/5/2012 9:07:50 AM ET
@AM WRAFBmaybe when you have to miss out on half of your childs life because your working 12 hours 7 days a week while deployed once a year you'll get the answer to your question. liberal time off Support the troops.
Steve, WP
1/5/2012 8:40:04 AM ET
Everyone is getting the same treatment. The enlisted force is being adjusted. A new high year tenure. You don't make rank it is Thank you for your 15 years of service but out you go WITHOUT ANY benefits. A major I know will be back from his third deployment to Afghanistan in July and will be told Sorry but we don't need you anymore so after 15 years of service OUT you go WITHOUT ANY benefits. So as civilian employees I think we should look at this as a VOLUNTARY option. So far we have not suffered any RIF unlike the uniformed service is going through.
Jerry, Oklahoma
1/5/2012 7:18:22 AM ET
Why is it always the military that get commissary and exchange privelidges along with liberal time off And why is it always the GS that are expected to provide a full and robust 8 hours of work each day compared to the militaryThere are pros and cons to each side.Don't forget that military civilian and contractors are each a vital part of the Air Force and each has its rules for a reason.
1/4/2012 9:05:15 PM ET
I see squadrons buying new furniture every year enough money wasted to pay for one civilian position. Why don't we go after this kind of waste instead letting valuable people go
Benny, JBPHH
1/4/2012 4:30:55 PM ET
We've been in the do more with less mode for years. When are we going to the do less with less mode
TL, Maxwell AFB AL
1/4/2012 1:18:52 PM ET
Is J@WPAFB referring to himself as a bad apple. When people react as he did to news which will impact so many it is a sign that they are projecting their own ways on to others. They are the bad apple.
LAB, Lackland AFB
1/4/2012 12:58:57 PM ET
It would be nice if we had customer service in the retirement side of things. We have to retire ourselfs and Hope we have all the dots dotted..etcWonderful customer NO SERVICE. I'm calling Clark Howard.
mitch, fairborn ohio
1/4/2012 10:47:48 AM ET
Looks like a good time for WPAFB to go through its civilian workforce and weed out the bad apples...a long overdue task in my humble opinion. Warm up your voices civil's about time to sing for your supper
1/4/2012 10:42:32 AM ET
Pleased to see positive action and dissemination of info to the people.Trust that this is an indication of aneffort to keep the workforce imformed as we move forward. Practice of non-disclosure is damaging to morale
Walter Thomson, HQ AFSPCA5M
1/4/2012 8:25:34 AM ET
Good news, the hiring freeze is over. We can finally get you that assistant. Oh by the way we have to let you go...
CB, Virginia
1/4/2012 7:16:36 AM ET
Why is it always the GS that get the buy outs.
Sandy, tinker afb oklahoma city ok
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