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   Issue 17/18, Summer/Fall 2010

assorted cosmetics and tools



The beauty business covers a wide range of products that includes cosmetics, perfume, skin cleaners, cosmeceuticals, etc. There is also a wide range of price points from the more mainstream products sold by mass merchandisers and in drug stores to the more expensive brands in department stores and exclusive boutiques. This guide includes a brief history as well as a short write up of the current market (as of the date of this guide). It is not comprehensive or exhaustive, but rather meant as a starting point for research in this area.

BERA - Business & Economics Research Advisor - A Quarterly Guide to Business & Economics Topics

Issue 17/18: Summer/Fall 2010

Guide to the Business of Beauty: Selected Information Resources

Table of Contents


Caption: left:
Assorted cosmetics and tools.
    KaurJmeb, photographer.
From the Wikipedia Commons

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Ellen Terrell, Business Reference Specialist
August 2010

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   Issue 17/18, Summer/Fall 2010
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  November 9, 2010
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