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Meteorological and Hydrologic Cooperation within APEC: "Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities"

January 11 -12, 2001
Double Tree Hotel
Albuquerque, NM

Held in conjunction with the 81st AMS Annual Meeting

Go to: [Agenda] [Session Summary] [Participants]

The purpose of the Albuquerque Workshop was to discuss viewpoints and perspectives on strengthening cooperation among National Meteorological and Hydrological Services of the 21 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) member economies. The objective was to discuss advantages to working within the APEC framework.


January 11, 2001
6:30 - 7:30 PM Welcome Reception

January 12, 2001
8:30 AM Opening Session

Welcome and Purpose of Workshop
John J. Kelly, Jr., Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, U.S. National Weather Service

Introduction of Facilitator

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Introduction and Background
(Industrial Science and Technology Working Group) [presentation]
Cathleen A. Campbell, Director, International Technology Policy and Programs
Technology Administration, Department of Commerce

Summary of existing APEC Meteorological & Hydrologic Activities: APEC Climate Network
Chung-Kyu Park, Korean Meteorological Administration [presentation]

Indonesia Climate Project: Short-Term Climate Forecasts and Their Application for Social and Economic Development
R. Sri Dilharto, Indonesian Meteorological and Geophysical Agency

9:30 AM Topic Presentations

Reduction of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters
Dr. William Hooke, American Meteorological Society [presentation]

Flood Forecasting
Curt Barrett, U.S. National Weather Service [presentation]

10:00 AM Break

10: 30 AM Topic Presentations

Transboundary Atmosphere Pollution
Bruce Hicks, U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Research

Economic Implications of Climate Variability
Dr. Ants Leetmaa, U.S. National Weather Service
Candyce Clark, U.S. Office of Global Programs

Open and Unrestricted Exchange of Data: Public/Private Partnership [presentation]
John Lumsden, New Zealand Meteorological Service

Distribution and Use of Environmental Satellite Data
Timothy Stryker, U.S. National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service

Unidata Technology: A Rapid Data-Flow Foundation to Support Economic and Social Decision Making
Dave Fulker, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

12:00 PM Luncheon

1:30 PM Participant Statements Representing APEC Member Economies
Points to be addressed

  • Comments on issues already addressed
  • New issues
  • Pros and cons of working within the APEC framework

3:15 PM Coffee break

3: 45 PM Open Discussion

4:45 PM Summary of Workshop and Closing Remarks

6:30 - 8:30 PM Reception



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2007 International Session On Numerical Weather Prediction And International Session On Global Challenges Facing National Hydro-Meteorological Services
2006 Addressing Multi-Hazards Warning Systems
2005 Addressing Data Acquisition Challenges
2004 Global Disaster Mitigation and Response - Challenges and Opportunities
2003 Emerging Issues And New Technologies Impacting National Meteorological & Hydrologic Services
2002 Meteorological And Hydrologic Cooperation: "Impacts Of Weather, Water And Climate Information On Key Economic Sectors Within Apec"
2001 Meteorological and Hydrologic Cooperation within APEC: "Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities"
2000 International Cooperation in Natural Disaster Preparation and Response
1999 Addressing Issues and Challenges for the Future
1998 Short Course on National Weather Service Data Sources, Formats, and Use

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