Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > Organization & Governance

The Program for Cooperative Cataloging seeks to be a democratic and diverse organization whose mission and goals are determined by its membership. The governance structure shall be flexible to allow for rapid adaptation to the changing needs of the organization and its participants. Guiding the PCC is the Policy Committee. The Steering Committee works with the Secretariat, to manage the Program. Operations Committees for BIBCO and CONSER and three Standing Committees on Automation, Standards, and Training complete the PCC governance structure. Revisions to the existing governance structure shall be made by the Secretariat at the direction of the Policy Committee. Learn more about PCC governance, committees, and task forces.

PCC Organization Chart

Policy Committee (PoCo)

The Policy Committee is composed of permanent and rotating voting members, plus 6 or 7 non-voting members.

Steering Committee

The PCC Steering Committee is composed of four voting and two non-voting members. The voting members are the Chair and the Chair-Elect, and the permanent representatives of the Library of Congress and OCLC. The Secretariat's representative and the Chair-Emeritus of the Policy Committee shall server in a non-voting capacity.

PCC Secretariat

The Library of Congress shall serve as Secretariat for the Program for Cooperative Cataloging. Its responsibilities of the Secretariat for the Program for Cooperative Cataloging include facilitating the operations of the Policy Committee, the Steering Committee, and the BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO programs.

BIBCO Operations Committee (OpCo)

The BIBCO Operations Committee is composed of ten representatives from BIBCO libraries, the BIBCO Coordinator at the Library of Congress, and an OCLC liaison.

CONSER Operations Committee (OpCo)

The CONSER Operations Committeeis composed of a representative from each Full and Associate institution, the CONSER Coordinator at the Library of Congress and an OCLC liaison.

Standing Committees

There are three PCC Standing Committees: Standing Committee on Automation, Standing Committee on Standards, and Standing Committee on Training. Chairs and members shall serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms.

Task Groups

The PCC may form Task Groups to address specific issues as needed with the approval of the PCC Policy Committee (PoCo).