Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > Training > NACO Training Workshop Evaluation Form

Direct questions to: Paul Frank, Acting NACO coordinator, (202.707.1570)

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest value) rate the following aspects of the workshop by clicking on the button befor the number desired. (Choose one from each line)

Q1. The content of the workshop:

a. 5 - Was extremely valuable to 1 - was of little value

b. 5 - Provided enough detail to 1 - was too general

c. 5 - Was cohesive and logical to 1 - fragmented/difficult to follow

d. 5 - Was appropriate to my needs to 1 - not at all appropriate

e. 5 - Met its stated objectives to 1 - did not meet objectives

Q2. The presenter:

f. 5 - Was knowledgeable to 1 - was unsure of the material

g. 5 - Had good presentation skills to 1 - had poor presentation skills

h. 5 - Encourage participation to 1 - discouraged participation

i. 5 - Addressed my level of understanding to 1 - did not consider my level of understanding

j. 5 - Answered questions well to 1 - did not answer questions

k. 5 - Was prepared to 1 - was not prepared

l. 5 - Understood audience dynamics to 1 - ignored audience dynamics

Q3. The training materials

m. 5 - Are excellent to 1 - are poor

n. 5 - Followed course content to 1 - are disjointed/out of sequence

o. 5 - Are valuable for future use to 1 - are of no value

Q4. The presentation materials (slides, overhead, PowerPoint, etc.) were

p. 5 - High quality to 1 - poor quality

q. 5- Helpful to me to 1 - unnecessary

r. 5- Concise and logical to 1 - difficult to understand

s. 5 - Easy to read to 1 - difficult to read

Q5. Overall, the NACO workshop:

t. 5 - Pace was excellent to 1 - pace was not appropriate

u. 5 - Was too long to 1 - was too short

v. 5 - Was well organized to 1 - was not well organized

w. 5 - Exceeded my expectations to 1 - was disappointing

x. 5 - Increased my knowledge on the topics presented to 1 - added nothing to my knowledge on the topics presented

y. 5 - Was a good value to 1 - was too expensive

z. 5 - Was excellent overall to 1 - was poor overall


Thank you for completing this form!

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