Mississippi Department of Employment Security Mississippi Department of Employment Security
Job Seeker Services
Employer Services
Unemployment Services
Labor Market Information

Job Seeker Services: We can help you...

 Job Search
  Temporary Recovery Workforce Jobs
  Job Search - ACCESS MS
  State Jobs in Mississippi
  Federal Jobs
  Upcoming Job Fairs
  College Employment Listings

 Job Hunting Tips
  Resume Preparation Tutorial
  Interview Tips
  Dress for Success
  Attend a Free Workshop
  ACINET's Career Resource Library

 Veteran Services
  All Veteran Services

 Equal Opportunity
  Equal Opportunity is the Law
 Training & Education
  Mississippi Community College Board: Workforce, Career and Technical Education Division
  Workforce Investment Act
  Trade Affected Workers
  Approved WIA Programs
  List of Colleges & Universities
  Job Corps

 Job Industry Data
  Occupational Wages
  Occupational Projections

 Federal Bonding Program
  Bonds for Job Seekers

 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
  Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Information
Other Available Services
Online Services
Claims Information
Weekly Claims
Appeals Information
All Unemployment Services
Visit A Win Center
  There are service centers that offer programs and resources geared toward your job seeking and claim needs.
  Find a WIN Job Center
Quick Links
  Vocational Rehabilitation
  Services for the Disabled
  Employment Issues
  Child Labor
  Migrant/Seasonal Workers
  Success Stories
  Other State's Labor Sites
  Do you have any jobs?
  How do I register?
  How do I keep my application active?
  Do I need to register in different offices to look for a job in different locations?
  Can my employer fire me for no reason?
  What if I have questions about discrimination, my wages or workers compensation?
  All FAQs

  Mississippi.gov   USDOL  
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The Mississippi Department of Employment Security is an equal opportunity employer. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with disabilities.