November 1, 2012
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Conditions of Judicial Sale



 **NEW FOR 2012**       

    1.  All bidders registered prior to 1/1/2012 will be required to re-register prior to the sale.

    2.  A $500 cashier's check, certified check, or money order will be required a the time of each winning bid.  This $500 is non-refundable and will be applied towards the opening bid price as a credit (in the event of default as liquidating damages) with the balance due by 3:00 p.m. on the date of sale.


The following conditions shall govern the sale of properties for delinquent taxes scheduled by the Lehigh County Tax Claim Bureau for December 14, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in the Public Hearing Room at the Lehigh County Government Center, 17 South Seventh Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Payment of taxes by or on behalf of an owner on the day of the sale, before receipt of full payment by the successful bidder, will take precedence over the Tax Claim Bureau sale, thus voiding the sale.


1.      All persons desiring to bid on any property offered for sale shall be required to register for the sale with the Lehigh County Tax Claim Bureau. Registration must be in person at the offices of the Tax Claim Bureau, Lehigh County Government Center, Room 119, 17 South Seventh Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 610-782-3119. The Lehigh County Tax Claim Bureau opens at 8:00 a.m. on the date of the sale. Prospective bidders may register at any time prior to commencement of the sale. Registrants will be required to present current photographic identification at the time of registration, and comply with all other requirements of the Tax Claim Bureau. A PERSON WHO IS NOT REGISTERED WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BID AT THE SALE.


2.      All properties are sold pursuant to the Act of July 7, 1947, Public Law 1368, No. 542, as amended, known as the Real Estate Tax Sale Law.


3.      No properties shall be struck down unless a bid of at least $500.00 is made.


4.      As soon as the property is struck down the successful bidder shall be liable for the entire purchase price. Payments must be made by 3:00 p.m. on the date of the sale. Payment to the Bureau may be in the form of cashier’s check, certified check or money order with the remitter being the successful bidder payable to the County of Lehigh. NO PERSONAL CHECKS, BUSINESS CHECKS OR CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. 


5.      In compliance with the Real Estate Tax Sale Law, the Tax Claim Bureau will issue a deed to the successful bidder which will not contain any warranty either general or special.


6.      All properties sold are discharged of certain liens, as provided in Section 612 (72 P.S. §5860.612) of the Real Estate Tax Sale Law.


7.      All properties are sold as described on the dockets of the Lehigh County Tax Claim Bureau and as advertised. The Bureau makes no representation or warranty as to description, nor will it make any survey on a property sold. The rule of Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) applies. (See 72 P.S. §5931).


8.      In addition to the bid price as above stated, the successful bidder shall pay the Tax Claim Bureau the costs of recording the deed, as established by the Recorder of Deeds in and for Lehigh County, Pennsylvania and the applicable transfer taxes, pursuant to Pennsylvania Department of Revenue rules and regulations. The Bureau shall issue a receipt to the successful bidder for the same.


9.      Under Section 618 of the Real Estate Tax Sale Law (72 P.S. §5860.618), the owner shall have no right to purchase his own property at Judicial Sale.


10. Under Section 619a of the Real Estate Tax Sale Law (72 P.S. § 5860.619a), the successful bidder will be required to sign an affidavit certifying that he or she is not delinquent in paying real estate taxes to any of the taxing districts where the property bid on is located, and has no municipal utility bills that are more than one year outstanding.


11. The Bureau reserves the right to pursue its legal remedies against a successful bidder who fails to pay the purchase price. Failure to comply with the conditions of sale may result in the bidder being banned from future sales.


12. Any refund shall be paid to the registered bidder, unless directed otherwise by court order.


13. The next highest bidder has the opportunity to register his or her bid at the time of a sale, in the event the successful bidder on that property fails to meet the Conditions of the Judicial Sale.


14. Bid increments will be at least $500.00.




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