November 1, 2012
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Update on Cedarbrook Garden Plot Site:

The new site, next to the County Utility Garage on Cedarbrook Road, has been plowed, disked and roto-tilled. Individual plots have been laid out and numbered in blocks of 10 to 12 plots each with walkways between each block. Gardeners have received their plot assignments and many have begun installing their fences and planting early crops. Gardeners are working diligently and took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather in the past two months. A meeting was held for all Cedarbrook gardeners at the site on Wednesday, April 18, to review and/or clarify the rules and to answer questions.  Gardeners are generally pleased but expressed concerns about difficulty working with newly-tilled sod.

Jordan Parkway Site

Gardeners are busy at their plots at the Jordan Parkway location.  A number of new gardeners who have been on the waiting list have received plots this year.  Water at Jordan will be available from two tanks. 

Compliance with Rules

A committee of gardeners from the Cedarbrook site met with administrator Dora Gensemer and Farmland Preservation Director Jeff Zehr on May 30 to review the rules/regulations pertaining to renting a plot from the county.  A similar meeting will be held June 5 with members of the Jordan Parkway committee. The committee members will help enforce the rules and will be on the lookout for possible violations; non-compliance will result in loss of the plot if not corrected.


Cedarbrook Garden Plots
Jordan Creek Parkway Garden Plots
Community Garden Plots

The Mission Statement for the County of Lehigh's Community Garden Plot Program 

The mission of the Lehigh County Community Gardens Program is to provide citizen access to garden space, to support the production of healthy food for the community, and to promote sustainable gardening practices. 

Click on an image to the left to view some of the 2011 gardens.

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