November 1, 2012
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Civil Service Employment Opportunities
Employment opportunities in the Department of Human Services require applicants to first be tested and certified by the State Civil Service Commission. Offices covered by the Department of Human Services include:
  Adult Services Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services
  Area Agency on Aging Information and Referral
  Children and Youth Services Crisis Intervention
  Mental Health/Mental Retardation  

Individuals interested in civil service positions with Lehigh County should submit their application to the State Civil Service Commission for testing and certification. The following list is a sampling of positions that are typically available within the County:

  Caseworkers Outreach Workers
  Child Welfare Aides Social Services Aides
  Clerk Typists Social Workers
  Data Analysts Fiscal Assistants
  Fiscal Technicians  

Applications for civil service covered county positions can be obtained in the Lehigh County Office of Human Resources or they can be completed and submitted on-line at Test announcement information is also available at this site or by contacting:

State Civil Service Commission
Strawberry Square Complex 2nd FL
320 Market Street
P O Box 569
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0569

(717) 783-3058
Text Telephone (717) 772-2685

Detailed information regarding Civil Service Commission applications, certification process, testing, etc should be obtained from the State Civil Service Commission.

**All applicants must be on a promotion or employment list for the job title, which means that in order to apply, applicants must have already taken and passed the civil service test for the position; or have permanent civil service status. Civil service testing is available at CareerLink in Allentown (610-437-5627)**

If you meet these conditions, Civil Service employment opportunities can be seen


The County of Lehigh is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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