November 1, 2012
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Departments » Voter Registration » Frequently Asked Questions  
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have other questions not answered here, look elsewhere in our web pages 
or call our office at (610) 782-3194.  This page is updated regularly. Check back often!

What time are the polls open?

7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Can I still register to vote?

Registration closes 30 days before an election.

I will be 18 after registration closes, but before the election. May I register?

Yes, if your birthday is the day of the election or before.

Can changes to my information or applications be submitted via Fax?

No. The Voter Registration office cannot accept any electronic signatures.

I moved after registration closed. Can I vote?

You may go to your old polling place, one more election, where your registration may still be active.

Aside from the Voter Registration Office, where can I get a mail-in registration form?

The forms should be available at Public Libraries, Municipal Buildings, and Post Offices all throughout the county. You can also get the Voter Registration Form here.

I changed my name. Can I vote?

Yes, you may vote under your old name. You will be asked to update your signature when you go to vote.

Can I change my party by mail?

Yes, you may change your party by using a
Voter Registration Mail-in form.

What ward and district am I in?

Your ward, district and polling place are printed on your voter registration card that was sent to you when your registered to vote. If you do not have this card, call the Voter Registration Office for the current voting district.

If I register to vote with Penn-Dot, how do I know where to vote?

It will be printed on your ID Card. If you registered with Motor Voter and have not received an I.D. card from this office with your polling place printed on it, you should call to find out if your registration form has been received. If you know your district, you can check our website under polling places.

Do I have to vote in the Primary in order to vote in the General Election?


I moved. How do I get my name removed from the voter rolls?

If a voter has moved and wants his name removed from the voter registration rolls, he must send notification in writing to the Voter Registration Office of Lehigh County.

Can I use my registration card as proof of citizenship?

Voter registration is not proof of citizenship. The Election Office issues proof of registration, just as an address verification. It will not be accepted for re-entry into the country as of January 26, 1996.

Do I need identification to register to vote?

YES! All Voters are required to provide an acceptable form of Id to register.

How do I get an absentee ballot application.

Call the Voter Registration Office, (610)782-3194, or link to:

Absentee Ballot ApplicationID

Can I place my name on a permanent disabled list?

Only permanently sick or disabled voters may be placed on the permanent list. This entitles you to automatically receive an absentee ballot. This procedure must be renewed every four(4) years. Call the office of Voter Registration to request the necessary forms.

It’s 2 days before the election. I am going out of town unexpectedly or, I am sick, or a member of my family is going to the hospital. Can I vote.

No. The PA State law requires that absentee ballots be in the Department of Elections Office at 5 p.m. the Friday before the election. You should call this office to inquire on any emergencyalternatives. 

I am registered as an independent. Can I vote in the Primary Election?

Sort of.

The following pertains to a primary only.

Pennsylvania is a closed Primary state. A voter must be affiliated either as a Democrat or a Republican to vote in a Primary Election.  Any other party can vote for a question only that may be on the Primary Ballot.

What do I do if my right to vote is challenged at the polls?

See the Judge of Elections. The Judge of Elections will call our office to verify the problem. He may ask you to vote by Provisional Ballot.

Where can I get information on the candidates?

Republican Party Headquarters: (610) 435-3322
Democratic Party Headquarters: (610) 504-4376
The League of Women Voters Guide: 

Where is my polling place?

Final polling places will be printed in the Morning Call the week before the General Election. The only changes after printing would be in an emergency situation.
Your polling location is printed on the Voter Registration I.D. card that is mailed to you when you register to vote. You can also call the Office of Voter Registration or check this website under polling places.

How long do I have in the voting booth?

You have three (3) minutes (state law) but you may take longer IF it is not crowded. Study the sample ballot, which is posted at each polling place. Do this before you get in line to vote. This will save you time in the voting booth, particularly if there are a number of questions on the ballot.

How may I get voting assistance at the polls?

You may have assistance if it is so noted in the poll book, meaning it is in file in the Voter Registration Office. This can be done by contacting the Voter Registration Office (610) 782-3194. Anyone can help. However, if the disability is not recorded on the voter’s registration card or in the poll book, the voter may receive assistance if the voter completes a declaration in the polling place.

How far from the polling place should campaign literature and candidates be?

At least 10 feet from the entrance of the polling place.

How do you become a watcher?

Watchers are appointed by the candidate or party and must have a valid watcher certificate prepared by the Voter Registration office.


If an elected precinct official position becomes vacant due to a resignation or death how is the office filled? Someone is appointed, to that position, by the Voter Registration office. This person will work until the next election of precinct workers.

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