November 1, 2012
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Tax Sale Notice



To all owners of properties described in this notice and to all persons having liens, judgments or municipal or other claims against such properties:
            NOTICE is hereby given by the Tax Claim Bureau in and for the County of Lehigh under the Real Estate Tax Sale Law, Act of July 7, 1947 P.L. 1368, as amended, that said Bureau will expose at public sale in the Lehigh County Government Center, at 17 South Seventh Street, in the City of Allentown, Pennsylvania commencing at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 12, 2012 for the purpose of collecting unpaid taxes, municipal claims and all costs incident thereto, the following described real estate for at least the UPSET PRICE in the respective amounts herein below approximately set forth. The SALE of any of the properties herein described may at the option of the Bureau be stayed if the owners thereof or any lien creditor of the owner enters into an agreement with the Bureau to pay the taxes, claims and costs in installments in the manner provided by said Act and the agreement to be entered into.
            If an owner of property subject to the tax sale is sixty-five (65) years of age or older, he may be eligible for tax deferral in accordance with County Ordinance 2003 No. 167.
            TERMS OF SALE – As soon as the property is struck down, the purchaser shall be liable for the entire purchase price, including all Realty Transfer Taxes and Recording Fees to the Bureau in the form of CASHIER’S CHECK, CERTIFIED CHECK or MONEY ORDER payable to the County of Lehigh. NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. Payment must be made by 3:00 p.m. the date of the sale.
            Properties located in the various taxing units or subdivisions thereof will be sold on the dates specified in the Conditions of Upset Sale or on any other day to which a sale may be adjourned or continued.
            Every such sale shall convey title to the property under and subject to the lien of every recorded obligation, claim, lien, estate, mortgage or ground rent with which said property may have or shall become charged or for which it may become liable.
            Properties may be REDEEMED up to the time that the successful bidder at the tax sale pays the entire purchase price, including all Realty Transfer Taxes and Recording Fees to the Tax Claim Bureau.
Timothy A. Reeves, Director
Tax Claim Bureau
County of Lehigh Government Center



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