November 1, 2012
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Voter Mission Statement

Office of Voter Registration

The Office of Voter Registration is responsible for the conduction of Federal, state, county and local elections. We coordinate the setup of 153 county polling locations, as well as staff and train approximately 900 precinct election officials. We consistently maintain and update all information pertaining to over 222,000 voters. Above all, we strive to maintain a high quality of customer service and to preserve the integrity of this office and Lehigh County.

Ways we serve you

  • Prepare and furnish all materials used at elections
  • Receive petitions for placement of candidates on the primary ballot
  • Register new voters
  • Maintain voter registration files, including name, address and political party changes
  • Process and mail absentee ballots
  • Train election officials
  • Maintain 750 TSX Touch Screen Voting Machines
  • Prepare and deliver all voting machines in 153 districts
  • Receive the returns of all primaries and elections from each precinct, canvass and certify the results
  • Respond to daily questions and requests over the counter and via telephone
  • Handle the expense reports for all candidates


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