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Thursday, November 01, 2012 Register Login
By Don Cunningham on 7/3/2012 12:51 PM

 Retiring County Executive Oversaw Largest Capital Program in County History 

By Don Cunningham on 5/30/2012 11:38 AM

Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham's resignation statement

By Don Cunningham on 5/14/2012 1:20 PM

 New facility will allow county to provide local treatment for detox needs


By Don Cunningham on 3/2/2012 8:09 AM

Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham today announced that a 5-act Local Musician Showcase, presented by Norris, McLaughlin and Marcus, P.A., will provide entertainment on the Bicentennial and Kids’ stages of the Allentown Fairgrounds’ Agri-Plex as part of the free Bicentennial Community Celebration Day on Saturday, March 10th.

By Don Cunningham on 2/29/2012 7:13 PM

Bicentennial LogoBicentennial Celebration Committee
17 South Seventh Street, 4th Floor
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101-2401
Phone: 610-782-3001
Fax: 610-871-2755

Donald T. Cunningham, Jr., Chair

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