November 1, 2012
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Departments » Sheriff's Office  

Courthouse- Room 253
455 West Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA. 18101-1614
Phone: 610-782-3175
Fax: 610-820-3368

Ronald W. Rossi

Ronald W. RossiRonald W. Rossi, Sheriff of Lehigh County, is a retired 29 year veteran Pa. State Trooper, having served for 25 years as a “safety education specialist,” where he presented safety education programs to pre-school, elementary and secondary school students in Bucks, Lehigh & Northampton Counties.

For 16 years, he has a variety of self protection and anti-crime programs for Senior Citizens and other groups within the county, where he has always believed that it’s “cheaper to educate than to incarcerate…”

His administrative abilities have brought the Lehigh County Sheriff’s Office into the 21st century. Sheriff Rossi has always been fiscally prudent, holding the line on his Office’s budget, year after year, while providing increasingly more services for the county’s residents. “Doing more with Less,” means Sheriff Rossi provides competent leadership while being fiscally prudent.

Office of the Sheriff

The Office of the Sheriff serves all original civil, criminal and protection from abuse documents issued by the Court of Common Pleas. The office also provides security for the County's courtrooms, judges and buildings. The Sheriff's Office transports prisoners, holds sales to collect debts on both real and personal property, investigates and apprehends fugitives and bail jumpers and preserves the peace at riots and civil strike injunctions.

In addition, the Sheriff's Office issues permits to carry a concealed weapon within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. These permits are issued only after an appropriate background investigation is completed.

Part-time Sheriff's Deputy position opportunities are available to candidates who are Police Act 120 trained or certified. Lehigh County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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