November 1, 2012
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For additional information about the Lehigh County Integrated Family Services Plan, please contact the Lehigh County Information and Referral Unit at (610) 782-3200.

Integrated Family Services

“Every Lehigh County family who is identified in need of services from multiple systems will have a single integrated treatment and service plan that accesses all appropriate resources.”

The Lehigh County Department of Human Services is participating in the statewide initiative mandating the design and implementation of an integrated service system to support healthy growth and development of children and families and increase effectiveness of service delivery.  This is a comprehensive approach to serving children, birth to twenty-one years of age, through programs that focus on long-term prevention, early intervention, and services that support family stability, child safety, community protection and healthy child development. This Integrated Family Services Plan (IFSP) is a cooperative effort within the Department of Human Services offices including Information and Referral, Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities, Early Intervention, Drug and Alcohol, Health Choices, Office of Children and Youth, CASSP, Aging and Adult Services and Lehigh County Juvenile Probation Department.


With the committment to integrated services, Lehigh County has formed the Lehigh County Integrated Family Service Advisory Committee, the Executive Committee, and four Process Improvement Teams (PIT Teams).  Membership consists of community le aders and individuals in the fields of local government, human services, child welfare, mental health, mental retardation, drug and alcohol, juvenile probation, aging and adult services, education, legal, medical, family advocacy, parents, and previous consumers.

Every Lehigh County family who is identified in need of service from multiple systems will have a single integrated treatment and service plan that accesses all appropriate resources.

As an effort to continue community outreach pertaining to IFSP, a Public Forum was held.  The Public Forum provided an update on progress made thus far and the opportunity for stakeholders to provide input and help to shape the future of integrated services in Lehigh County.

For additional information about the Lehigh County Integrated Family Services Plan, please contact the Lehigh County Information and Referral Unit at (610) 782-3200.

We welcome any comments and suggestions.


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