November 1, 2012
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Departments » Voter Registration » Poll Worker » Election Board Member Duties  
Duties of the Election Board Member Minimize


  • Polls are open at 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
  • Board members should plan on being at the polls no later than 6:15 a.m. to allow enough time to open the machines and prepare the polls for voters.
  • Board members should plan on working until all the paperwork is complete after the polls close at 8:00 p.m.
  • Classes are available each election.  Those attending will be paid $10 for attending.

Judge of Election

  • Paid $125 for the day, $10 for picking up the supplies on the Saturday before the election, and $10 for returning the supplies to the Voter Registration Office on election night, plus mileage (if you are out of the city of Allentown), and $10 if you attend a class.
  • This is an elected position that runs every 4 years. If there is a vacancy during that timeframe, the Board of Elections will appoint someone.
  • In charge of the polling site on Election Day.
  • Helps with the voting machines.
  • Contacts each board member prior to Election Day to check who is available to work then reports to the Election Board if there are any positions that need to be filled.
  • Contacts the polling place prior to Election Day to find out how to get in and to be sure they have the necessary equipment set up for them.
  • Picks up supplies at the Voter Registration Office the Saturday before the election.
  • Must arrive at the polls before 6:15 a.m. in time to open up, and to set up the machines and tables for the voters. Everything must be ready by 7:00 a.m. when the polls open.
  • Processes all paper work to be returned to the Board of Elections that same night.
  • Helps to close the machines and process absentee ballots at the end of the day.
  • Returns polling supplies to the Voter Registration Office after the polls close.
  • May not go home on election night until all paper work and memory cards are delivered to the Voter Registration Office.

Majority & Minority Inspectors

  • Paid $115 for the day, plus $10 if attend class
  • This is an elected position that runs every 4 years. If there is a vacancy during that timeframe, the Board of Elections will appoint someone.
  • Must arrive at the polls no later than 6:15 a.m. to help set up for the voting to begin promptly at 7:00 a.m.
  • Check the voters in at the poll books.
  • Helps to process absentees and returns at the end of the day. May not leave until all paperwork is complete.
  • The Minority Inspector keeps Envelope B, which holds a set of the election returns, for one year.

Voting Machine Operator

  • Paid $115 for the day, plus $10 if attend class. If you have never worked a voting machine before, a class is mandatory.
  • This position is appointed by the Board of Elections.
  • Must arrive at the polls no later than 6:15 a.m. to help set up for the voting to begin promptly at 7:00 a.m.
  • Answers all voting machine questions throughout the day, and helps with the operation of the machines to voters who are unfamiliar with the equipment.
  • Helps to close the machines and process absentees and returns at the end of the day. May not leave until all the paper work is processed.

Minority Clerk

  • Paid $115 for the day, plus $10 if attend class.
  • This position is appointed by the Minority Inspector. If there is a vacancy, the Board of Elections will appoint someone.
  • Must arrive at the polls no later than 6:15 a.m. to help set up for the voting to begin promptly at 7:00 a.m. Keeps a Numbered List of Voters.
  • Helps to process absentees and returns at the end of the day. May not leave until all paperwork in complete.  
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