November 1, 2012
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Departments » Solid Waste Management » Composting » Grass Recycling  

The Problems

  • Grass clippings and other yard waste account for about 20% of municipal waste deposited in landfills.
  • Collection, transport, and disposal of yard waste is costly.
  • Bagging clippings removes valuable nutrients from soils.

The Solutions

  • Grasscycle: Leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing. This reduces the time, costs, and labor of bagging cut grass and returns valuable nutrients to the soil. Grass clippings decompose quickly, so they do not contribute to thatch.
  • Control growth rate: Reduce yard waste and have a healthier lawn by using the methods listed below.

The Methods

  • Mowing Practices: Mow weekly or bi-weekly during peak growing season. Remove no more than one-third of the leaf tissue with a sharp blade to allow clippings to break down rapidly. Although standard mowers do a fine job, mulching mowers chop grass into finer pieces for quicker breakdown. Some lawn mower manufacturers also offer "mulching kits" for standard mowers. When turf is overgrown (such as during rainy periods), large clumps of grass may form after mowing. These clumps can be removed and composted, used as mulch, or spread out on the lawn by remowing.
  • Fertilizing: Grasscycling reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Too much fertilizer can weaken the lawn by causing a shallow root system to develop. When using fertilizers, apply small amounts only two or three times during the growing season (mid to late May and early to mid September are best in this region).
  • Watering: Water just enough to wet the root system. Too much water damages roots and may cause disease. Frequent but light watering may weaken the lawn by causing a shallow root system to develop.

    For more information on grasscycling, visit :

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