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Arzu Studio Hope creates oasis of opportunity for Afghan women

Story by Sgt. Ken Scar | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 07.11.2012

Women in Afghanistan have suffered tremendously through the last few decades. The Taliban were especially harsh to them, but even without that heartless regime, the overall attitude towards women here remains... Read More

Ash Flat Marine bridges gap for Afghan women, coalition forces

Courtesy Story | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 07.08.2012

Sgt. Julie Nicholson grew up on a farm and had never left her home state of Arkansas, but when she heard that her friend’s family would not be able to make it to his Marine Corps recruit training graduation,... Read More

FET continues progression of enabler role at NTC

Story by Sgt. Kimberly Hackbarth | 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division | Date: 06.16.2012

Since their initial selections in March, the soldiers of 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division’s Female Engagement Team have been working nonstop to increase their visibility and value in the... Read More

58th MPs give assistance to Afghan children

Story by Spc. April York | 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs | Date: 12.04.2011

Winter months can be long and harsh when the cold sets in and there is only your own garments to keep away the chill. Many children in Afghanistan do not have the luxury of blankets, pillows and jackets to aid... Read More

Afghan Women Exchange experiences at female governance shura

Courtesy Story | ISAF Regional Command North | Date: 09.05.2011

More than 80 participants attended the second northern women´s security shura on Monday in Mazar-e-Sharif to discuss women´s roles in Governance and Transition. Read More