United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Salt Lake City Health Care System

VA Vet Videos

These closed captioned video clips were produced by the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System.

The American Veteran video  Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) Health is a new program that shares select parts of a Veterans’ medical record electronically, safely, and privately with other approved health care facilities that are members of a secure Internet network. Check out the video here 
Womens Nursing Room Dedication/ Baby Shower  We’ve come a long way baby! A new mother’s room offers our women Veterans and female employees a quiet place to nurse their babies inside our medical center. The new lactation room is just one of a handful nationwide in VA and part of our larger effort to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare to our women Veterans. Comprehensive pre and post natal care at VA…Believe it! Click Here to watch the video.
2012 VA Earthquake Drill  VA Salt Lake City Participated in the State wide Earthquake drill. VASLCHCS's All Hazard Team was activated and quickly set up medical tents to treat the community, patients, and staff as if it was a real earthquake. Watch the video by clicking here 
VA DR. Jamie Clinton  VASLCHCS's Women's clinic Dr. Jamie Clinton talks about why she loves working with Veterans. Click Here to watch her story.
Fisher House Dedication  The Salt Lake City Fisher House is all about our Veterans and their families. Many of those families took part in the celebration right along with us, finding peace, joy and comfort with new friends and family. Since welcoming our first guests, we already see the difference being made in families’ lives. To watch a video on the dedication Click Here 
WWII Veteran at Medical Appointment  VLER video #1 The VA has this great new way to exchange important medical information VA and civilian doctors, so that everyone is on the same page. Thats one less thing a Veteran or family member of a Veteran has to worry about. Click here to watch the video, or for more information visit the VLER web-site at www.saltlakecity.va.gov/VLERHealth you may also visit the CHIE web-site at: www.mychie.org 
Veteran on motorcycle  VLER video #2 The VA has this great new way to exchange important medical information VA and civilian doctors, so that everyone is on the same page. Thats one less thing a Veteran or family member of a Veteran has to worry about. Click here to watch the video, or for more information visit the VLER web-site at www.saltlakecity.va.gov/VLERHealth you may also visit the CHIE web-site at: www.mychie.org 
Clinician with young Veteran 

VLER video #3 The VA has this great new way to exchange important medical information VA and civilian doctors, so that everyone is on the same page. Thats one less thing a Veteran or family member of a Veteran has to worry about. Click here to watch the video, or for more information visit the VLER web-site at: www.saltlakecity.va.gov/VLERHealth you may also visit the CHIE web-site at: www.mychie.org 

Judge photo 

The Veterans Justice Outreach Program (VJO) is a VA based initiative focused on partnering with local law enforcement, jails and courts to assist eligible veterans access the treatment they need. Part of this initiative to assist the local community in the creation of Veterans Courts. The purpose of Veterans courts are to ensure that eligible veterans involved in the criminal justice system have access to benefits, services & the treatment they deserve. Watch the video here. 

Navy WAVES photo  Women of the Navy WAVES, their stories and experiences from their time in the service during World War II. Watch the video here. 
Air Force Veteran photo  Watch how VA Salt Lake City Health Care System's MOVE program helped Air Force Veteran lose over 125 pounds in this Fox 13 news story. Watch the video here. 
VA Health Care - Defining Excellence in the 21st Century logo  Listen to what some of the Doctors and staff have to say about why they love working at the VA Salt Lake City Heatlh Care and why they love working with veterans. Watch the video here. 
Photo of boots  The Department of Veterans Affairs is taking its internal culture-change message to the public with a new video about the vital role women play in the military and the importance of providing women Veterans with high quality health care. This dynamic video features images of women in service to our country: they drive supply trucks, participate in reconnaissance missions, walk safety patrols, and operate helicopter machine guns. Watch the video here. 
Shane Jiminez CFC Story  The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) raises funds to help people all over the world. Shane Jimenez is one of many people who have benefited from the CFC. Check out this video to watch his amazing story. Watch the video here.
Rex's MOVE story  VA Salt lake City Health Care System's MOVE program is a National weight management program for Veterans enrolled in VA Health Care. Rex has lost weight and has also been able to control his diabetes. Watch the video here to learn more.
Veterans enrolling with staff.  VA Salt Lake City Health Care System is out on the road helping Veterans enroll in VA healthcare. We attend special events and travel through the state to bring services to Veterans in rural areas. Watch the video here to learn more.
Veteran doing pushups 

MOVE is a national weight management program for Veterans enrolled in VA Health Care. Tom Day has been working the program with great success. He has lost over 60 pounds! Check out his story and how MOVE can help you. Watch the video here.  

VA Nurses Week 2011  VA nurses are the best! They care for a very special and unique group of patients…out nation's heroes. Every year in May, we celebrate Nurses Week. This year we wanted our nurses to hear what our employee Veterans had to say about nurses at VA Salt Lake City Health Care System. Watch the video here. 
Veteran on the slopes giving thumbs up.  Several OEF/OIF Veterans are part of a new retreat program put on by VA Salt Lake City Health Care therapists in mental health and Wasatch Adaptive Sports. These are OEF and OIF Veterans struggling with physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities. The idea is to get them out and get them moving, perhaps doing something they once loved. Watch the video here.
Cody Cooper   For many returning soldiers a new battle is just beginning. They come home with physical and emotional wounds that keep them awake at night and keep them from leading a normal life.  OIF Veteran Cody Cooper decided in order to move finally move forward with his life he had to go back. Watch the video here. 
Stu Shipley  The psychological wounds left by war are significant but treatable. A Veteran who served our country should never feel alone and hopeless but unfortunately it does happen. Vietnam Veteran Stu Shipley shares his story of recovery and reconnecting.  Watch the video here.
Surgeon and Veteran photo 

We are committed to caring for Veterans.  Take advantage of your VA Health Care benefits.  We are here for you.  Watch the video here.

Unite for Veterans, Thursday, November 11th, 2010  The Department of Veterans Affairs would like to thank all Utah Veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.  On Thursday, November 11, Veterans Day, we want to talk to you about the benefits and services you have earned.  You will hear from experts in healthcare, disability benefits, education, and job training.  You will be able to call in and ask questions.  Operators will be standing by for 12 hours.  Hear from other Vets going through the same thing.  And again, thank you for your service.  Watch the video here.
Major General Brian Tarbet photo  Major General Brian Tarbet, commander of the Utah National Guard, discusses readjustment issues and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  Watch the video here.
VA Nurse We are both humbled and honored to take care of Veterans.  Our nursing staff at the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System is second to none.  These men and women believe in the mission and understand the magnitude of what they do every day.  They take care of our nation’s heroes.  Listen to four of our nurses, all from different backgrounds, talk about why they love to come to work every day. Watch the video here.
Photo of Soldiers  The mission of the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System is to serve those who have served us.  Learn what the VA can do for you and why we offer “The Best Care Anywhere”.  Watch the video here.
Joshua Hansen TBI is a condition many combat Veterans suffer from after repeated exposure to bomb blasts.  The number of cases is growing and the symptoms can be significant or mild.  They can include: headaches, dizziness, balance problems, and trouble concentrating just to name a few.  Joshua Hansen was an Army IED hunter in Iraq.  He was good at his job… probably too good.  Watch the video here.
Damien Holmes Damien Holmes was first into Baghdad back in '03 with an Army Infantry Unit. He saw a lot and did a lot he'd like to forget.  But in war, it doesn't work that way.  Damien knew he needed help, but for a while, pride got in the way.  But through his rap and rapport with VA counselors, Holmes now has a new mission: watching out for his fellow Veterans here at home.  Watch the video here.