Labor Standards

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services' Labor Standards Office enforces all labor laws created for the protection of Wyoming workers. The Labor Standards office works to:

  • Process, investigate, mediate and render decisions on complaints of employment discrimination and claims for wages;
  • Provide employees and employers information and referrals on wage, benefit and employment decision matters;
  • Issue certificates of residency to eligible contractors bidding on public works projects;
  • Monitor employment of minors;
  • Enforce the preference requirements for Wyoming resident labor on public works projects; and to
  • License employment referral businesses within the state


The programs administered by the Labor Standards Office have varying eligibility requirements. The following requirements are necessary:

  • Discrimination Complaints: Employees who work in Wyoming for employers with two or more employees, and who meet the minimally sufficient standards for establishing a complaint of employment discrimination
  • Claims for Wages: Employees who work in Wyoming and who are claiming unpaid wages. 
  • Contractor Certificate of Residency: Qualified resident contractors engaged in construction, alteration, repair, or erection of public buildings and structures
  • Child Labor: Minors 14 and 15 years of age
  • Prevailing Wage Act: Employees employed on public works projects where payment of prevailing wages is a contract requirement
  • Preference for Wyoming Workers: Employees employed on public works projects where the Preference laws are a contract obligation
  • Employment Referral Businesses: Firms operating any employment office in the state


The Labor Standards Office can provide the following services:

  • Information Requests
  • Complaint Processing
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Administrative Decisions
  • Certificates of Residency for Contractors
  • Licenses for Employment Referral Agencies
  • Prevailing Wage Survey
  • Determination
  • Enforcement


All services are free, with the exception of a $25.00 annual fee for licensing employment referral businesses.​