
WH Office Hours: Presidential Innovation Fellow with Todd Park and Macon Phillips

After launching the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, US CTO Todd Park and White House Director of Digital Strategy Macon Phillips answered your questions on twitter. Learn more at

  1. macon44
    This #WHChat w/ @todd_park is going to be, to borrow his word, #SuperAwesome. So chime in with ?'s abt #innovategov or whatever else now!
  2. todd_park
    Here and ready to take questions! #WHChat
  3. CPPIOnline
    @macon44 @todd_park What is the vision for growth of this program both in number of future fellows and within other sectors of govt? #WHChat
  4. todd_park
    .@CPPIOnline We're focused on making this inaugural round a success, and hope to build from there #WHChat
  5. AlexJamesFitz
    White House CTO @todd_park answering questions about Presidential Innovation Fellows & #innovategov. Ask with #WHChat. - @whitehouse
  6. nomfup
    @macon44 @todd_park #WHChat next social network you'll join as WH?
  7. macon44
    .@nomfup @todd_park looking @ options but nothing eminent. @quora is interesting & going to do more there. Got any recommendations? #WHChat
  8. digiphile
    @whitehouse How can people help #InnovateGov if they're not in DC? Will Fellows accept code back into projects? #WHChat
  9. macon44
    .@digiphile #WHChat YES! Pull requests wanted!
  10. WHLive
    Happening now: @todd_park & @macon44 answer your Qs on #InnovateGov. Ask now with #WHChat Pic in action:
  11. artafex
    @todd_park will teams invite real people to test the products for targeted user-centered design? #WHchat #innovategov
  12. macon44
    .@artafex @todd_park #WHChat Yes - huge priority and if you have advice on resources, please let us know - particularly @ProjectMyGov
  13. camilletuutti
    Would love to know 2: MT @digiphile: @whitehouse Many are asking why only 2 women are fellows. How many applicants were female? #WHChat
  14. todd_park
    .@camilletuutti @digiphile Diversity in tech is a challenge & priority- need 2 get the word out further about opportunities like PIF #WHChat
  15. hebsgaard
    Are any state groups involved (i.e. MA)? or is this #innovation initiative federal only? #WHCHAT
  16. todd_park
    .@hebsgaard We're collaborating with states on #opendata work and hope to do so on other projects as well #WHChat @ProjectOpenData
  17. MiguelRosadoJr
    @todd_park What are the best ways to follow #innovategov other than twitter? #WHChat
  18. todd_park
    .@MiguelRosadoJr You can sign up for email updates for any/all of the projects at #WHChat
  19. transpartisan
    @Todd_Park .Crowdsourcing? WH fellows will be collaborating with other outsider volunteers, right? #innovategov #opengov #mygov #WHchat
  20. macon44
    .@transpartisan @Todd_Park Absolutely! #WHCHAT
  21. redgraveK
    @todd_park What are plans for integrating/collaborating with the great work happening in many cities? #WHchat
  22. todd_park
    .@redgraveK Collaborating with cities on @ProjectOpenData and @ProjectRFPEZ - very excited about this #WHChat
  23. jenngustetic
    What resources do the #innovategov fellows have? A small budget? Access to OGCs? What are the tools they have? @WHLive @todd_park @macon44
  24. macon44
    .@jenngustetic fellows are working with host agencies and engaging experts in the public - broad array of tech tools @todd_park #whchat

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