Air Force inspector general focus group realizes efficiencies

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

6/3/2011 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- In an effort to further minimize the effects of inspections on missions throughout the Air Force, the Air Force inspector general held an Inspection System Efficiencies Conference May 23 through May 26 in Lansdowne, Va., officials said here June 2.

Conference participants included approximately 170 members from headquarters air staff, major command functional representatives and major-command IG representatives.

Their goal, IG officials said, was simple: reduce requirements and eliminate inspection redundancy, integrate disparate teams back into the IG system and synchronize inspections to occur at a wing during the same time period.

The "reduce-integrate-synchronize" concept was promoted during a recent CORONA conference, said Col. Rob Hyde, Air Force director of inspections. Supporting documentation highlighted the plight of wings, many of which undergo an average of 350 days of inspections in a 5-year period.

Under the previous system, Colonel Hyde explained, most assessments, staff visits, evaluations and inspections were not conducted under the auspices of the IG system.

"Many of these visits were conducted by functional staffs for very valid needs but were not integrated or synchronized, which often led to redundant inspections filling valuable wing whitespace," the colonel said.

Lt. Gen. Marc Rogers, the Air Force inspector general, noted that similar findings had been repeatedly identified for more than four decades. He challenged the group to solve the problem, emphasizing the fundamental military quality of lean thinking and the imperative for all Airmen to identify and eliminate waste, Colonel Hyde said.

Over the course of several days, break-out sessions and small groups classified by inspection type helped members devise ways to integrate and synchronize.

"The people who attended this conference made huge progress to reduce, integrate and synchronize," Colonel Hyde said. "That's the good news. The even better news is it's just the beginning ... We will work together -- (headquarters Air Force) and MAJCOMs -- to find more effective and efficient ways to execute the Air Force inspection system."

The effort is but one part of multiple initiatives led by the IG, according to Colonel Hyde, who added that General Rogers also is designing inspection processes to better assess the efficiency and economy of the Air Force, while stressing the importance of obligation of commanders to self-inspect.

General Rogers mentored the group on TITLE 10 Section 3583, Requirement of Exemplary Conduct Law, which mandates that "all commanding officers and others in authority in the Air Force ... be vigilant in inspecting the conduct of all persons who are placed under their command."

"Inspection is commander business," General Rogers said. "When MAJCOM IG teams conduct an inspection, they represent the MAJCOM commander. These events do not relieve local commanders from inspecting their units; inspection must be conducted at all levels."