Zuckert Award
Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley presents the 2010 Eugene M. Zuckert Management Award to Charles Henderson during a ceremony in the Pentagon, June 29, 2011. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Andy Morataya)
Air Force civilian honored with Zuckert Award

by Staff Sgt. Richard A. Williams Jr.
Air Force Public Affairs Agency

7/1/2011 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Retired Maj. Gen. Charles Henderson, the deputy assistant chief of staff for strategic deterrence and nuclear integration at Headquarters U.S. Air Force in Washington D.C., was presented the 2010 Eugene M. Zuckert Management Award by Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley during a ceremony at the Pentagon June 29.

Henderson has re-infused a culture of continuous improvement and attention to detail and discipline that had increased the nation's security and strengthened deterrence, Donley said.

"He has been a tremendous asset across so much of what we do, it is difficult to capture what he means to our Air Force in the short time we have here today," the secretary said.

According to the award citation, Henderson provided outstanding leadership with unparalleled success, orchestrating hundreds of activities in support of the Air Force's number one priority of continuing to strengthen the nuclear enterprise.

Under his leadership, the citation continued, the Air Force is aggressively reclaiming a legacy of excellence in the nuclear mission area through a back-to-basics approach by re-emphasizing accountability, compliance, and precision.

"Thank you for your contributions to our nuclear enterprise and for your example to our leadership team on how we conduct our business," Donley said. "And thank you for the great support of our Airmen for so many decades."

Henderson, who has served with the Air Force since he was originally commissioned as an officer in 1965, considers his service "a unique privilege."

"I am receiving the Zuckert Award today on behalf of (the Air Force Nuclear Taskforce)," Henderson said. "No individual receives such an honor without the commendable performance of those around him or her."

He is the 44th recipient of the Zuckert Award honoring outstanding management achievements by a Department of the Air Force manager, but is only the third senior civilian to receive it.

"I want to keep serving to be part of a special, well led United States Air Force Team," Henderson said. "I simply want to be an Airman."

The annual award recognizes outstanding achievements by a top-level Air Force manager in the ranks of brigadier through lieutenant general or civilian equivalents. It is named after Eugene M. Zuckert who served as secretary of the Air Force from January 1961 to September 1965.