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Video by Sgt. Keonaona Paulo | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 10.19.2012

U.S. Marines with 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) conduct a battlefield zero (BZO) at Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, Afghanistan, Oct. 19, 2012. The Marines conducted a BZO to ensure their weapons... View Video

17th Fires Family Shoot Day


17th Fires Family Shoot Day

Video by Sgt. Andre Clark | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 07.07.2012

1st Battalion, 377th Field Artillery Regiment’s family day complete with live Howitzer fire. Available in high definition. View Video

1-377th Field Artillery Regiment


1-377th Field Artillery Regiment

Video by Sgt. Andre Clark | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 05.04.2012

A mentor can make a dynamic impact on a soldiers career. Army Sgt. Andre Clark introduces us to a leader who's excited about the ways the person in the mirror can influence his soldiers. Available in High... View Video

4-6 Air Gunnery Range Validation


4-6 Air Gunnery Range Validation

Video by Pfc. Brandon Graham | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 03.01.2012

B-Roll of the 4th Attack Recon Squadron, 6th US Cavalry Regiment validating a range by firing 2.75 Rockets and .50-cal rounds. The surface danger zones were recently narrowed to allow the OH-58 Delta KIOWA... View Video

Freedom Watch Update - Feb 17


Freedom Watch Update - Feb 17

Video by Petty Officer 3rd Class Kyle Jackson | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 02.17.2012

Convoys provide vital means of travel and resupply across Afghanistan and keeping them moving is high priority, Petty Officer Kyle Jackson takes a look at the soldiers who keep them running and at Camp Clark... View Video