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Video by Sgt. Keonaona Paulo | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 10.19.2012

U.S. Marines with 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) conduct a battlefield zero (BZO) at Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, Afghanistan, Oct. 19, 2012. The Marines conducted a BZO to ensure their weapons... View Video

BZO/Live Fire Range


BZO/Live Fire Range

Video by Lance Cpl. Robert Bush | EX Semper Fast 2011 | Date: 11.25.2011

U.S. Marines with 2nd Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team out of Norfolk, Va., and Australian Army Soldiers with 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment conduct a live fire range at Robertson Barracks, Darwin,... View Video

BZO/Live Fire Range


BZO/Live Fire Range

Video by Lance Cpl. Robert Bush | EX Semper Fast 2011 | Date: 11.25.2011

B-roll of U.S. Marines with 2nd Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team out of Norfolk, Va., and Australian Army Soldiers with 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment conducting a live fire range at Robertson... View Video

3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment BZO BROLL


3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment BZO BROLL

Courtesy Video | Marine Forces Reserve | Date: 07.11.2011

Package of U.S. Marines with Company I, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, participating in a battle sight zero (BZO) dung Enhanced Mojave Viper (EMV) at Range 101, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center... View Video

Marines with Battalion Landing Team 3/8 sight-in their weapons in Afghanistan


Marines with Battalion Landing Team 3/8 sight-in their weapons in Afghanistan

Video by Cpl. Daniel Blatter | 1st Marine Division | Date: 01.20.2011

B-roll of Marines with Battalion, Landing Team 3/8 sighting and firing their weapons. Marines and sailors with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Battalion Landing Team 3/8, Light Armored Reconnaissance Platoon... View Video