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Home > Climate > NWS Duluth > Climate Prediction > Local Temperature Outlook

Three-Month Temperature Outlook (Issued: October 2012)

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ST. LOUIS County, Coop ID: 212248
Elevation: 1433 ft.
Latitude: 46° 50' N Longitude: 92° 10' W
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Three Category Outlook Table
Season Below Normal Near Normal Above Normal
There is a chance for temperature during this 3-month period to be lower than There is a chance for the average temperature during this 3-month period to be between There is a chance for temperature during this 3-month period to be higher than
Nov-Dec-Jan 2012_13 34.0% 15.8° 33.0% 15.8° and 19.2° 33.0% 19.2°
Dec-Jan-Feb 2012_13 33.0% 11.3° 34.0% 11.3° and 14.9° 33.0% 14.9°
Jan-Feb-Mar 2013 33.0% 15.2° 34.0% 15.2° and 18.6° 33.0% 18.6°
Feb-Mar-Apr 2013 30.0% 25.4° 34.0% 25.4° and 28.4° 36.0% 28.4°
Mar-Apr-May 2013 28.0% 37.5° 34.0% 37.5° and 40° 38.0% 40°
Apr-May-Jun 2013 33.0% 49.2° 34.0% 49.2° and 51° 33.0% 51°
May-Jun-Jul 2013 33.0% 58° 34.0% 58° and 59.6° 33.0% 59.6°
Jun-Jul-Aug 2013 34.0% 62.2° 35.0% 62.2° and 64.1° 31.0% 64.1°
Jul-Aug-Sep 2013 34.0% 60.9° 33.0% 60.9° and 62.5° 33.0% 62.5°
Aug-Sep-Oct 2013 33.0% 53.4° 33.0% 53.4° and 54.8° 34.0% 54.8°
Sep-Oct-Nov 2013 30.0% 41.2° 33.0% 41.2° and 43.3° 37.0% 43.3°
Oct-Nov-Dec 2013 29.0% 27.4° 34.0% 27.4° and 30° 37.0% 30°
Nov-Dec-Jan 2013_14 27.0% 15.8° 34.0% 15.8° and 19.2° 39.0% 19.2°

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Legend: Blue, Gray, or Red Shading indicate an enhanced chance for Below, Near, or Above Normal Category respectively.

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Duluth, MN 55811
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