Our Staff

Expanding from a staff of 5 in the early 1990s to a staff of 22 today, our office performs research, issues forecasts and warnings, and operates 24 hours a day to keep you safe. Check out the staff listing page.

Office History

Check out a brochure of the history of the Duluth National Weather Service office. Office History.

Website Photos

Special Thanks to Dennis O'Hara at "Northern Images" for use of his photos in many locations throughout our website. We hope you enjoy them!


About the NWS

Check out what the National Weather Service is all about.

Area of Responsibility

Our office covers an area roughly the size of Maine. We cover all of northeastern Minnesota, a portion of northwestern  Wisconsin and western Lake Superior.
CWA Thumbnail Image

Come and Visit Us!

Tours of our facility are quite popular. To request a group tour or even a job shadow opportunity, contact Carol:
Carol Christenson email
phone: 218.729.0651 ext 726

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