Read all posts tagged Arizona

  • Preparing Our Communities Must Start Long Before Disaster Strikes

    For more than 25 years, through various posts including Director of Emergency Services and now as Chief Executive Officer for the South Louisiana Region, Kay Wilkins has helped respond to many disasters, including the worst natural disaster to strike this country in decades, Hurricane Katrina.

  • Using Digital Technology To Prepare People for Disaster

    With over 15 years of experience with high tech companies and startups, Dom Tolli leads a team of developers to create technology that enables people, businesses and schools to drastically improve their ability to respond to, survive and bounce back from a disaster or medical emergency. His team launched the free First Aid app and the free Hurricane mobile application.

  • Putting a Face on Blood Donations

    In 2004, Brian Boyle survived a near fatal car accident, changing his outlook on life forever. After receiving 36 blood transfusions, 13 plasma treatments, several operations, and months of recovery, Brian now runs marathons and participates in Ironman races across the country on behalf of the American Red Cross.

  • Advocating to End Food Insecurity

    Kathy Goldman is the co-director of Community Food Advocates, Inc., fighting to end hunger in New York City, particularly in schools. Kathy ensures federal nutrition assistance programs are responsive, available and accessible to the people who need them.

  • Following My Purpose

    Joshua Williams was given twenty dollars to spend on the way to Church one day, and he chose to give it to a homeless man who looked hungry. Soon after, Joshua was inspired to start a foundation to serve the homeless in his community, and raise awareness about hunger and poverty.

  • United Against Infant Mortality

    Dr. Claudia Llanten works with United Against Infant Mortality to provide families with the proper resources and education to improve children's health in Peru. In the future, Claudia wants to further develop health and nutrition programs among indigenous women in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia.

  • Paying it Forward to Build Food Security

    In 2010, Erik Schultz helped launch Thriive, a nonprofit organization that pursues an innovative approach to food security in diverse worldwide locations such as Vietnam, Kenya, Palestine, and Nicaragua. Focusing on the growing needs of small-scale agricultural and food products businesses, such as, smallholder farms and livestock operations, Thriive helps grow the entire food chain, from producers to consumers, making them more resilient and self-reliant.

  • Working Together to Give Children a Healthy Start

    Jovita Flores was concerned about her children's eating habits, and decided to address the issue with other moms in the community. She piloted a Breakfast in the Classroom program that allowed children to pick up a healthy breakfast when they go to school, ensuring a nutritious start to the day for students in Chicago schools.

  • Food – People – Power

    Dana Harvey is the Executive Director of Mandela MarketPlace, a community-directed and community-owned local food system that includes a cooperative grocery retail, local produce distribution center, produce service for corner markets, network of urban production farms and a youth leadership program that is a model for other communities. With the grocery stores, Mandela MarketPlace promotes healthy and locally produced foods, and provides jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities to residents who otherwise may not have a chance to own a business.

  • Rebuilding Our Food Traditions

    With diabetes and childhood obesity rising in Native American communities and nationally, Terrol Johnson strives to reverse this by providing access to healthy, affordable and culturally-appropriate foods.