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Applying for County Jobs
Aloha ImageHow Do I Find Out About County Jobs?
The best way to find out about most job openings is to visit the Employment Opportunities section of our web site, where you can browse job listings, job descriptions, and linked benefit information.  When you find a job you're interested in you can even file your application on-line

Job vacancies are also advertised through newspaper announcements in the Help Wanted section of The Maui News, and posted in our office.

How Do I Apply?
Once you have found a job opening that interests you, you can apply online or submit a paper application.  See our help page for additional instructions for applying online. 

You may also want to review "What to Expect After You Apply".

We only accept applications during the announced recruiting period, so make sure to check the application deadline.
  Those job openings listed as "continuous" have no specific filing deadline, but you should submit your application as soon as possible to be sure you are considered for the next opening.  Continuous recruitments may close at any time.

Complete a separate application for each job. A resume or letter of interest cannot be accepted in place of a County application, but may be attached to an application as additional information.  Also make sure to complete any required supplemental application forms or online assessments.

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