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Public Transportation Takes Us There

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  • A single commuter switching his or her commute to public transportation can reduce a household’s carbon emissions by 10% and up to 30% if he or she eliminates a second car. When compared to other household actions that limit CO2, taking public transportation can be 10 times greater in reducing this harmful greenhouse gas.

Transit News Features

Riding Public Transit Saves Individuals $9,167 Annually As Gas Prices Remain Steady -- Helps Individuals Save Money And The Environment

Individuals who ride public transportation can save on average $9,167 annually based on the August 7, 2009 national average gas price and the national unreserved monthly parking rate.0 hours before start.

“The Transit Savings Report” released monthly by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) calculates the average annual and monthly savings for public transit users. The report examines how an individual in a two-person household can save money by taking public transportation and living with one less car.

America’s Not-So-Fast Trains

President Obama noted the other day that high-speed rail is not some pie-in-the-sky idea. “It’s happening now,” he said. “The problem is that it is happening elsewhere.” Japan, Spain, China and Germany are among those with superspeedy trains that rival air travel and easily eclipse the irritations of a car trip. Yet America has only one high-speed corridor, from Boston to Washington, where the Acela Express is often forced by conditions to slow down to average speeds of around 70 miles per hour.

National Journal blog -- Does Greener Transportation Mean Less Green For The Highway Trust Fund?

Strategies that aim to get people out of their cars and off the roads also mean less revenue for the ailing Highway Trust Fund, which last week needed a $7 billion transfer from the general fund (on top of the $8 billion it got last September) to meet its funding commitments for the current fiscal year. Are strategies to cut carbon emissions from transportation harmful to the long-term viability of the Highway Trust Fund? How can we achieve the goals of cutting transportation emissions and increasing trust fund revenue?

More Than Half of Vacationers Traveling to Cities This Summer Will Use Local Public Transit System -- Travelers cite use of public transit to help stretch their travel budget

As Americans look for ways to cut travel cost this Memorial Day weekend, many vacationers seek affordability through the use of a city’s local public transportation system. According to APTA’s Green Travel Forecast, a new travel survey released by the American Public Transportation Association, 51 percent of summer vacationers responded that they will use a city’s local public transportation system to get around during their visit.


Obama Puts Nation On A Path To Serious Train Service

A robust American rail system is about more than tracks and train sets. It will make us less oil dependent, undergirding our national security. It will lower our carbon emissions. And it can contribute in a big way to the mobility and economic health of "megaregions," those metropolitan areas where most Americans now live.


Public Transportation Is Safe -- Public Transit Systems Have Precautionary Procedures In Place

The millions of people who take public transportation should continue to do so, knowing that public transit systems already have procedures in place to deal with seasonal flu outbreaks and are closely monitoring the H1N1 virus (swine flu) outbreak.

Transit systems regularly clean facilities, vehicles, and fare vending equipment with high-grade germicidal solutions and will take additional measures as appropriate. Coordination on this issue is happening between transit systems and federal agencies.


Two Out of Three Jobs Created by Public Transit Investment Replace Jobs Hardest Hit by Economic Downturn -- New Study Shows $1 Billion Investment in Public Transportation Yields 30,000 Jobs

A new study released today shows that investing in public transportation provides jobs to the American workers who may need them the most. Job Impacts of Spending on Public Transportation: an Update shows that two-thirds (67 percent) of the jobs created by capital investment in the public transit industry replaces lost blue-collar jobs with “green jobs” in the public transit sector.


archived features

Public Transit Saved 646 Million Hours in Travel Delay in 2007 -- Texas Transportation Institute’s New Congestion Report Drives Home The Value of Public Transportation to Help Alleviate Congestion

New Congestion Report from the Texas Transportation Institute

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