
Military/Family Life Consultants

To Request a Military Family Life Consultant for your unit event, call Army Community Service at (910) 432-3742.


To speak directly to an Military Family Life Consultant, call one of the following numbers:
(910) 391-9171
(910) 489-5528
(910) 489-8020
(910) 610-3246
(910) 916.1186
(910) 709.4099
(910) 489.8021
(910) 916.1376
(910) 916.0464


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What is the Military Family Life Consultants Program?
It is an Army program designed to provide anonymous, confidential support to Soldiers and their family members, especially those returning from deployments. Units that return from deployment may request Military Family Life Consultants through Army Community Service. Program serves active duty and mobilized National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers and their Families.


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What is the Military Life Consultant Role?
The Military Family Life Consultants provide post deployment training and informal consulting support to Soldiers and Families to supplement the services provided by the community; address reunion/reintegration concerns that service or family members may have; and liaison with military and local resources. Military Family Life Consultants keep no records and are available at time and place designated by the unit. Services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.


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How does the program work with existing programs and resources?
Military Family Life Consultants will not duplicate any existing program. Military Family Life Consultants work closely with Army Community Service, and will make referrals on a case by case basis.


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What are the benefits of Hosting a Military Family Life Consultant? 

    • Reach out to service and family members that are not serviced currently.
    • Provide informal easy to access information.
    • Be present at times and locations where soldiers are – unit location.
    • Reach out to customers that are geographically dispersed such as National Guard and Reserve families and soldiers.
    • Conduct individual or group coaching and training sessions that address particular needs, i.e. meeting your baby for the first time, single soldiers reunion, parenting after deployment and others.

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What kinds of qualifications do Military Family Life Consultants have?

    • Training in Military soldier and family support programs
    • Knowledge of referral sources
    • Sensitivity to clients’ issues
    • Licensed clinical social workers, psychologists, and other mental health professionals. 

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Will the Military Family Life Consultants provide formal counseling/treatment?

      No. The purpose of having mental health professionals is for the knowledge base to consult informally with soldiers and families and identify early signs of stress. LCs will suggest resources such as ACS, One Source, Chaplains, Care Managers, Social Work Services, etc.


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What procedures are followed in the event a Military Family Life Consultant encounters a high risk person/situation?
Military Family Life Consultants are obligated by ethical and professional standards (regardless of their state of licensing) to report any cases where someone may be in danger of harming themselves or another person. In this case, the Military Family Life Consultant will contact Army Community Service for the referral or if needed, an immediate POC at any given location.


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Will our unit/organization be assigned to the same Military Family Life Consultants repeatedly?

      Army Community Service will do its best to marry units with the same group of Military Family Life Consultants whenever possible.


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What is a good ratio of Military Family Life Consultants to Soldiers and Family Members?

ACS will assist units/organizations when requesting Military Family Life Consultants, consider the following factors:

      • Accessibility provided by Command to unit areas
      • Number of personnel redeploying
      • Active Duty/NG/RC
      • Time spent deployed
      • Awareness of potential problems
      • Unit’s redeployment schedule
      • Unit’s/Soldiers’ experiences during combat 

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How can I request a Military Family Life Consultant for my unit?

ACS will provide a Military Family Life Consultant Request Form and guidance for Commanders or Rear Detachment to contact Army Community Service (910) 432-3742.  The following information will need to be provided:  redeployment date and time and number of service members returning. Space will need to be provided for life consultant, such as:

      • Day Room
      • Motor Pool
      • Dining Facilities
      • FRG Meetings
      • Barracks
      • Gyms
      • Green Ramp 

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How Soldiers and Family Members learn about the Military Family Life Consultant Program?

In addition to unit placement, ACS provides posters and business cards for distribution and information though various media outlets.  Your unit may consider posting a sign.  Download a poster.


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Are there any Fort Bragg success stories?

      The first Military Family Life Consultants arrived at Fort Bragg May 25, 2005. They were hosted by former COSCOM units, retuning from a year deployment. Commanders welcomed Military Family Life Consultants at their areas and Chaplains worked closely with them ensuring that all service members had an opportunity to share their experiences.


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