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     Office of the
      State Controller

633 17th Street, Suite 1500

Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-866-6200
Fax: 303-866-4233



STAR Report

State Taxpayer Accountability Report (STAR)

The State Taxpayer Accountability Report (STAR) summarizes the operation of the State of Colorado and has been designed to present information about the current fiscal condition of Colorado state government in a clear, understandable, and accessible manner.  This report was jointly published by the Governor's Office, the State Treasurer's Office, and the Office of the State Controller.  

A complete copy of the STAR report may be downloaded below.

These documents may be presented in PDF format, which requires the AdobeĀ® Reader.

Portable Document Format (.pdf)

Fiscal Year 2005-06

Fiscal Year 2006-07

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