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STAND-TO! Edition: Monday, August 1 2011

Today's Focus:

Antiterrorism Awareness Month

Senior Leaders are Saying

The timing of the month in itself is certainly not by accident. We're recognizing that we are coming into the 10th anniversary since 9/11 … It's been a persistent threat, it will be a persistent enduring threat and that's why we always have to remain vigilant. Clearly, the threat in today's society is not going to go away.

- Col. Mark S. Inch, Army's deputy provost marshal general, speaking about 2nd annual Anti-terrorism Awareness Month -- an Army sponsored program designed to enhance awareness to prevent and protect people and information from terrorism.

August brings Army's second anti-terrorism awareness month

What They're Saying

In order for true long term relationships to remain, it takes long term interaction. The U.S. Army being forward-based in Europe makes enduring relationships that much easier to maintain since we are not burdened with the tyranny of distance.

- Lt. Col. Michael Larsen, commander of 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, speaks about Rapid Trident 2011, a joint training and exercise program designed to enhance interoperability among Ukraine, the U.S. and Partnership for Peace member nations.

Rapid Trident 2011: Breaking barriers, building bridges


2010-2013: 60th Anniversary of the Korean War
150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War

Anti Terrorism Awareness Month

August 26: Women's Equality Day- Related website: Women in the U.S. Army

Today's Focus

Antiterrorism Awareness Month

What is it?

The Army’s antiterrorism (AT) program protects personnel, information, property, and facilities in all locations and situations against terrorist activities. To prepare for long-term success the Army must embed AT awareness, training, leader development, and education across the force. That level of awareness and vigilance is our most certain defense against terrorist attack.

Why is it important to the Army?

Antiterrorism awareness empowers the entire Army (units, leaders, Soldiers, DA civilians, families, and contractors) to take prevention measures and serve as “sensors” which extend the overall protection posture of the force. This year AT awareness month focuses on high priority areas such as AT doctrinal principles (supporting the fourth quarter fiscal year 2011 (4QFY11) theme), suspicious activity reporting, integrating AT into the operations process, and active shooter response.

What is the Army doing?

Some of the Army’s most significant AT initiatives for FY2011 include continued implementation of iWATCH Army, development of AT doctrine, and the execution of the second annual AT Awareness Month.

iWATCH Army: iWATCH Army is a nation-wide modern version of the neighborhood watch program focused on the threat of terrorist activity. iWATCH Army is designed to heighten public awareness to the indicators of terrorist activity and encourage reporting of suspicious activity to Military Police or local law enforcement for investigation.

Field Manual 3-37.2 (Antiterrorism): published in February 2011, this manual provides AT doctrinal guidance, establishes AT principles, and integrates AT into the operations process.

Antiterrorism Awareness Month: The purpose of AT Awareness Month is to instill Army-wide heightened awareness and vigilance to prevent and protect Army critical resources from acts of terrorism. In support of AT awareness month and other initiatives, the Department of the Army, Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG) developed numerous AT products and tools to support the field. These products are available on the Army OPMG Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal (on AKO). The OPMG (AT Branch) will establish an AT information booth in the Pentagon from August 1-3, 2011, while Army commands will establish their own ways of observing AT Awareness Month.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

Other on-going initiatives include:
• Implementation of a DoD revised terrorist threat reporting system - eGuardian
• Development of a Standalone Facilities Antiterrorism Handbook
• Continued integration of AT into the Army Protection Program


AKO log-in required:
Army Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal (ATEP) and iWATCH Army
iSALUTE (Counterintelligence Reporting Portal)

Related article:
August brings Army's second anti-terrorism awareness month

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