Description: MDlogoState Ethics Commission

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Financial Disclosure Electronic Filing

State Employees & Public Officials - Forms 1, 2 & 19

Lobbying Electronic Filing

Registrations, Event Report Forms 13E & 13F, Activity Reports

Ethics Law Summary

Lobbying Law Summary

General Information – Boards and Commissions

Lobbyist Listings

Special Informational Memos – State Employees and Officials

Special Informational Memos – Lobbyists or Prospective Lobbyists

State Vendor List          Bank List for 2011

Delegation List

Ethics Law Statement

Lobbying Report Totals

State Employee Training

Lobbyist Training

Advisory Opinions Online

Annual Reports

Download Ethics Forms

Local Government Information     


Privacy Statement

Public Access to Lobbying Reports

Public Ethics Law

Public Orders



Lobbying Activity Report forms for the period May 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 were due November 30, 2012.  The new lobbying registration period begins November 1, 2012 with registrations due within 5 days of the start of lobbying activity.


Public Ethics Law § 15-205(d) requires training for public officials on the requirements of the Ethics Law within 6 months of filling a position that has been identified as having to file financial disclosure statements.

Public Ethics Law § 15-205(e) requires regulated lobbyists to attend a training course provided by the State Ethics Commission at least once in any two-year period during which the lobbyist has registered with the State Ethics Commission.

Failure to complete the mandatory training requirement may result in an enforcement action with possible sanctions including the issuance of an order of compliance and/or a public reprimand.  Additionally, the State Ethics Commission may publish on its web site the names of those individuals who have not completed the mandatory training.


The Commission has developed a form (Form No. 25) to be used by State employees in situations where approval of secondary employment is sought from the State Ethics Commission.  The form is not required to be used if your agency has a similar form for approval of secondary employment.  If you use the Commission’s form or your agency’s form, please make sure that a position description is attached before submitting.