Weekly Wrap Up: Unbreakable Bonds

A quick look at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

A Special Bond: Addressing the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, the President reaffirmed the strength of our relationship with Israel, discussing both countries’ mutual interests, the importance of securing peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and the actions his Administration has taken to support Israel. The President’s statements at the conference were followed by a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Monday. Speaking to reporters before sitting down for the meeting, the President noted, “As I’ve said repeatedly, the bond between our two countries is unbreakable.”

An Important Milestone: On Thursday, President Obama welcomed Prime Minister Abdurrahim ElKeib of Libya to West Wing—marking the first White House visit from a Libyan prime minister in nearly 60 years. At the meeting, President Obama applauded Dr. ElKeib’s leadership and encouraged his government continue making progress with the country’s democratic transition.

Mutually Beneficial Partnership with Ghana: In 2009, Ghana was one of the first nations to host the President and First Lady Michelle Obama. On Thursday, the President returned the favor, welcoming the President of Ghana, John Atta Mills, to the White House to discuss the growing commercial and economic ties between the two nations. The President outlined a number of initiatives in which both countries are working together—“[The] President’s government recently is collaborating with a number of American businesses to build infrastructure inside of Ghana, which will create thousands of jobs here in the United States. And the trade that we engage in creates jobs for tens of thousands of people back in Ghana.”

Energy Efficiency from North Carolina: On Wednesday, President Obama toured Daimler Trucks North America in Mount Holly, North Carolina, where workers are busy assembling trucks that run on natural gas. While there, he announced a new $1 billion National Community Deployment Challenge to help boost the deployment of clean, advanced vehicles throughout the country.

New Help for Homeowners:  In his first news conference of 2012 on Wednesday, the President announced new support for homeowners looking to refinance their mortgages and announced a series of steps aimed at helping homeowners who have served in the Armed Forces. He also  took questions from reporters on topics ranging from the foreign policy and developments in Iran, in Syria and in Israel to his all of the above strategy for American-made energy. In case you missed it, you can watch the video here.