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The Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission (OSSPAC), otherwise known as the Earthquake Commission, has the unique task of promoting earthquake awareness and preparedness through education, research, and legislation.  The mission of OSSPAC positively influence decisions and policies regarding pre-disaster mitigation of earthquake and tsunami hazards, increase public understanding of hazard, risk, exposure, and vulnerability through education seminars, etc., and be responsive to the new studies and/or issues raised around earthquakes and tsunamis.  In order to fulfill the goals of the commission, OSSPAC members have developed five primary objectives.   These objectives are to increase or improve:
  • earthquake awareness, education, and preparedness,
  • earthquake risk information,
  • the earthquake safety of buildings and lifelines,
  • geoscience and technical information, and
  • emergency pre-disaster planning, response and recovery efforts.
OSSPAC is a well-rounded group of 18 individuals who represent a variety of interests concerned with the formulation of public policy regarding earthquakes.  It is made up of six representatives of government, six representatives of the public interest, and six representatives of industries and stakeholders.  This variety of interests helps direct the goals of the Commission for the benefit of all Oregon citizens.

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As a result of the Loma Prieta Earthquake in the Bay Area of California in 1989, Oregon residents wanted the State government to address the earthquake hazard and preparedness of the State.  As a result, the Interagency Seismic Task Force recommended that a new state commission be formed in response to this need.  OSSPAC was formed as a result of Senate Bill 96 in 1991.  Since this time, OSSPAC has continued to increase Oregon ’s awareness to earthquake hazards by supporting earthquake education, research, and legislation.  Every two years, OSSPAC provides a summary report to the Governor of the Commission's activities. OSSPAC has also formed relationships with the Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) and the California Seismic Safety Commission which provides a persuasive advantage to affect federal policy for the West Coast.

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The mission of the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission (OSSPAC) is described in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS, 2009 edition), Section 401.918: 
(1) The mission of the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission shall be to reduce exposure to earthquake hazards in Oregon by:
(a) Developing and influencing policy at the federal, state and local levels;
(b) Facilitating improved public understanding and encouraging identification of
(c) Supporting research and special studies;
(d) Supporting appropriate mitigation;
(e) Supporting response and recovery; and
(f) Supporting and assisting in the coordination of a grant program for the
     disbursement of funds for seismic rehabilitation of schools and emergency 
(2) The commission shall utilize and influence existing agencies and institutions in meeting its goals and is in no way intended to replace or compete with existing authorities relative to earthquakes.  Emphasis shall be on coordination and linking of existing resources and authorities.
(3) To improve public understanding of earthquake hazards, reduce such hazards and mitigate the possible effects of potentially damaging earthquakes, the commission shall review and advise the Governor and the Legislative Assembly concerning all plans and proposals addressing seismic hazards in the areas of:
(a) Any legislative proposals
(b) Plans and proposals of statewide impact
(c) Lists of recommendations for actions and potential rule changes specifically 
      by state agency 
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CHAIR: Jay Wilson - Public member
VICE CHAIR: Jay Raskin - Public Member
Doug Dougherty - Schools Stakeholder 
Greg Ek-Collins - Oregon Department of Transportation 
Paul Evans - Representative, Legislative Assembly​
Steve Lucker - Department of Land Conservation & Development
Ed MacMullan - Banking Stakeholder
Ian Madin - Department of Geology and Mineral Industries 
Walter McMonies - Multifamily Housing Stakeholder
Michael Mumaw - Local Government Stakeholder 
Trent Nagele, Structural Engineer Stakeholder
Adam Pushkas, Building Owners Stakeholder
Althea Rizzo - Oregon Emergency Management 
Arnie Roblan - Senator, Legislative Assembly
Richard Rogers - Building Codes Division
Cara Sloman - American Red Cross 
Jeffrey Soulages - Public Member
Stan Watters - Utilities Stakeholder 

For more information contact:
Chair Jay Wilson  

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OSSPAC meets bi-monthly (usually on the second Tuesday from 9:00am – Noon) 
Next meeting:    Tuesday November 8, 2016 from 9:00am to Noon

Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Call in Option: (866) 590-5055 Participant Code 751480              
When available, agenda will be posted​​ here.​

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Oregon Resilience Plan

In April 2011, the Oregon House of Representatives unanimously passed House Resolution 3 (sponsored by Rep. Deborah  Boone, D-Cannon Beach), which directs Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission (OSSPAC) to “lead and coordinate preparation of an Oregon Resilience Plan that . . . makes recommendations on policy direction to protect lives and keep commerce flowing during and after a Cascadia (megathrust) earthquake and tsunami.” The Plan and recommendations were delivered to the Oregon Legislative Assembly on February 28, 2013.
An overview of Oregon’s planning effort, Richard A. Reed’s, President Obama Senior Director for Resilience Policy endorsement, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber’s endorsement, and information on resilience planning are at these links: 
Oregon Resilience Plan:
Complete Plan 
Executive Summary

Oregon Resilience Planning Overview 
White House HR3 Endorsement  
Governor Support of Resilience Plan 
Earthquake Resilience: Building Resilient Communities
2015 Letter to Governor
2016 Letter to Governor​

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