Category Archives: News

News from Secretary Arne Duncan.

3 Things to Do During Your Student Loan Grace Period

Your student loan grace period is a set amount of time after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment, but before you must begin repayment on your loan. The grace period gives you time to get financially settled … Continue reading

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Celebrating CTE in Nevada

Traditionally, education has led many students into a career. However, at some schools, careers are leading students to an education. Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education Brenda Dann-Messier recently met with the students, staff, and business partners of the … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, News | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

A View from the Inside: ED Staff Observes the Principal’s Perspective

A week ago, I had the pleasure of shadowing principal Wanda Perez at DC Bilingual Public Charter School. While Wanda admitted she spends more time in meetings than she’d like, we spent the majority of my visit walking the school … Continue reading

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ED Mailbag: Arne Answers Your Questions

Secretary Arne Duncan sat down recently to answer questions he received from social media, email and regular mail. Duncan responded to Dillon’s question about the future of charter schools, saying that “good charter schools are part of the solution, bad … Continue reading

Posted in Arne Answers Questions, Headlines, Labor-Management, News | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Student Art Transforms Lives and ED

On Oct. 12, young artists from all across the nation convened at the U.S. Department of Education to be honored for their award-winning works of art and writing. The works of more than 50 of the 2012 winners of the … Continue reading

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Five Things to Know About Your Student Loans

Over the next few months, many students who graduated or left school in the spring of 2012 will reach the end of their grace period and start repaying their student loans. Now is a great time to brush up on … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

It’s Never Too Late to Learn

Two young men, from different backgrounds, each tell a tragically similar story of their mistakes, which resulted in felony convictions and incarcerations. Their names aren’t important, but their stories are. Both men are using education to take charge of their … Continue reading

Posted in Community Colleges, Headlines, News, Schools and Community | Tagged | Leave a comment

Walking in Their Shadows: ED Officials Team Up with Principals

In celebration of National Principals Month, dozens of senior ED leaders and staff members are visiting schools today, tomorrow and Thursday across the country as part of an organized effort in which federal education officials are shadowing school leaders. These … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Secretary Duncan Hosts First Meeting with National Council of Young Leaders

They are resilient. They are smart. They are united. They have beaten the odds and last week six leaders from the National Council of Young Leaders met with Secretary Arne Duncan and Deb Delisle, assistant secretary for elementary and secondary … Continue reading

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#AskFAFSA Office Hours with Secretary Arne Duncan

On October 12th at 4pm ET, Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan will join @FAFSA to answer your financial aid questions during the October edition of #AskFAFSA Office Hours. Maybe you have a question about completing the FAFSA or understanding your … Continue reading

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Standing Up for Teachers is an International Endeavor

Today teachers across the globe, from Budapest to Ramallah, are celebrating World Teachers’ Day. Using the theme “Taking a Stand for Teachers!” educators are meeting with students to encourage them to become teachers, holding rallies and leading discussions about the … Continue reading

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Driving Productivity in Postsecondary Education Through Innovation

The Department of Education (ED) seeks to encourage innovation in higher education teaching and learning to drive productivity, quality, and equity. To contribute to the national conversation in this arena, ED, in collaboration with the White House Office of Science … Continue reading

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