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Diversity Working Group
Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Roy participates in the Air Force Diversity Senior Leader Working Group on Oct. 18, 2010, in Washington, D.C. The group met Oct. 17 through 18, and focused on developing a performance-based leadership strategy to leverage the unique qualities of all Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo/Jim Varhegyi)
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Air Force spurs communication at diversity senior working group

Posted 10/21/2010 Email story   Print story


by Tech. Sgt. Amaani Lyle
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

10/21/2010 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials met with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, industry leaders and other service representatives during the service's diversity senior working group here Oct. 17 through 18.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and Adm. Mike Mullen both spoke to the group, during which the admiral shared his personal experiences with diversity during his adolescence and early Navy years.

A 1968 Naval Academy graduate, Admiral Mullen credited the military with exposing him to different backgrounds, but he recalled stories of a relatively sheltered life growing up in the Los Angeles suburbs.

"I left California one time as a kid, but didn't see much of the world," he said. "(I grew up in a) nice small middle-class town, (with) nice, small schools."

Admiral Mullen said he returned home for a few weeks after completing his freshman year at the Academy in August 1965 -- which happened to coincide with the riots in Watts, a predominately African-American neighborhood in LA.

"I'm 15 miles from Watts and it is burning down, and I don't have a clue," Admiral Mullen said. "It could've been the moon to me, 15 miles away."

The admiral noted that such memories have inspired his commitment to keep diversity a top Department of Defense priority and to help foster visible success stories of women and minorities versus abstract programs.

"The metric for me is a young man or woman who can look up and see they have hope in this organization; if they work hard, they can compete and someday be like that," Admiral Mullen said.

The admiral also said the level of commitment demonstrated by Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and General Schwartz is critical in facing the challenge of diversity.

During the second day of the senior working group, General Schwartz echoed Admiral Mullen's sense of urgency in addressing diversity issues.

"These are things that require intervention and personal commitment," General Schwartz said. "If we want our Air Force to be different, it requires that each one of us take action. We cannot just hope for the best. We need to be activists, and we need to be bolder."

The general described diversity not only as a personal mission, but also as an institutional imperative. He said he envisions diversity as a lasting Air Force effort that pervades the force, providing better access to a larger talent pool.

General Schwartz said leaders at all levels of the Air Force must help spread the word that "we're better off as a team than we are as 'singletons,' and that the relevance and durability of our institution depends on a diverse force."

The senior-level working group of Air Force leaders and industry experts discussed and reviewed ideas to be presented at upcoming Air Force Diversity Committee meetings for action.

10/23/2010 1:42:36 AM ET
Great points. I'm a white guy that doesn't get an appreciation month. How is that not discriminatory? Signed not born into privilege waiting for my own month.
Scott, Seattle
10/22/2010 5:16:25 PM ET
PB- The Air Force Personnel Center has a newly formed Diversity Council. Its main focus is its workforce environment and inclusion rather than race. This council has chosen to leave the race issues to EOMEO. Often people hear diversity and automatically think race. Although race is a factor in diversity, it is not the only emphasis. As stated in AFPD36-70. In the Air Force diversity is broadly defined as a composite of individual characteristics experiences and abilities consistent with the Air Force Core Values and the Air Force Mission. Air Force Diversity includes but is not limited to personal life experiences geographic background socioeconomic background cultural knowledge educational background work background language abilities physical abilities philosophical spiritual perspectives age race ethnicity and gender.
DC, Texas
10/22/2010 3:51:45 PM ET
BF - You might recall if you're old enough a certain GEN Colin Powell Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. TE - Great list thanks for the research
DMPI, Bolling I mean Al JBAB DC
10/22/2010 2:24:13 PM ET
Do these top brass actually believe the diversity tripe they are telling us or are they just PC wimps? Diversity such a nice word right But the ugly part is reverse discrimination quotas affirmative action hiring based on skin color rather than on the content of ones character etc. We can be diverse but why is skin color seem to be the only aspect for which we strive to have diversity
WASP, Diversityville
10/22/2010 2:16:46 PM ET
For BH - The following members of the Joint Staff are either female or African AmericanLisa Disbrow - Vice Director for Force Structure Resources and Assessment J8Kathleen Gainey - Director for LogisticsBruce Grooms - Vice Director Joint StaffJanice Hamby - Vice Director for C4 Systems J6Lani Kass - Senior Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffDarren McDew - Vice Director for Strategic Plans and PolicyTeresa Salazar - Deputy Director for C4 Systems J6Michael Shields - Director National Joint Operations Intelligence Center J3Larry Spencer - Director Force Structure Resources and Assessment J8 The Joint StaffDennis Via - Director for Command Control Communications and Computer Systems J6
TE, Nellis
10/22/2010 1:32:54 PM ET
Exactly what Capt G said. It's pretty ironic that there was little diversity at a working group on diversity. All I see are older white men. I can't wait for the day when this working group isn't needed and the Air Force reflects people of all races religions genders etc. in larger numbers.
emt, TX
10/22/2010 1:09:43 PM ET
Maj overseas. It is our differences that are our strength we as an Air Force need to be able to capitalize on everyone's abilities. There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are me- proud conservative white guy. Capt G. Texas. Yes the pictures are small and don't represent ALL the participants that were at the event but your observation is the reason diversity is in the forefront. Michael TX. Sounds like you need to contact your local Air Force EO Equal Opportunity Office and forward your concerns discrimination needs to be removed from all AF and non-AF work centers.
Maj Matthews, Pentagon
10/22/2010 10:28:03 AM ET
Our leadership always talking about diversity but nothing about the equal-rights to protect the diverse force against discrimination. They need to ensure a discrimination free Air Force. It is pointless to have a diverse force when our rights are violated.
Michael, TX
10/22/2010 8:32:17 AM ET
@PB Great feedback ...yes priorities go far beyond outreach programs ... albeit they are important too. More details coming in the press soon on the DSWG. In the meantime take a look at recently published AFPD 36-70. Thanks for your feedback drs
Daniel Sitterly, Pentagon
10/22/2010 8:31:40 AM ET
To lend credibility to their message, why don't they start at the top and select a non-white and or female as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Also need to get a message to the middle managers that they need to practice diversity hiring. I've heard this message for as long as I can remember and in 20 years not much has changed.
BF, Wright-Patterson AFB
10/22/2010 4:13:57 AM ET
From the pictures looks like there was very little diversity at the diversity meeting.
- Capt G. , Texas
10/22/2010 12:34:46 AM ET
As a white guy I'm looking forward to the day when we no longer place special emphasis on race color religion diversity days special interest group heritage months etc and can simply treat each other as equal human beings.
Maj, overseas
10/21/2010 6:19:53 PM ET
I like the idea of emphasizing diversity not just in terms of race or gender but also religion and sexual orientation. The article though seems a bit light on details. What is a Diversity Committee and will individual bases set up similar committees? Will we see emphasis on this diversity committee above and beyond Air Force observances of Black History Month Hispanic Heritage Month Women's History Month etc. What was actually discussed at the committee meetings?
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