
30 Days Through Afghanistan

Features stories about life on the front lines in Afghanistan, told by the military men and women who serve. Provided by ISAF Joint Command.

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9/11 - Never Forget

A collection of video and photos, in both unedited and edited formats, from the U.S. military around the world. These images illustrate the story of 9/11 and the annual commemorations of the day's sacrifices and heroism. This material is provided for use by anyone interested in reflecting upon, or sharing, the story of America’s resilience.

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A Moment in History

Highlighting the roles that Third Army and USARCENT have played in various wars over the past 90 years. Produced by 20th Public Affairs Detachment, U.S. Army.

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Air Force News

Features audio news stories involving U.S. Air Force technology, personnel, and operations around the globe. Produced by Air Force News Agency.

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All Hands Update

Features stories about U.S. Navy Sailors and U.S. Marines serving around the globe. Provided by Defense Media Activity.

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Army Newswatch

From the offices in the Pentagon to the Soldiers in the field, Army Newswatch showcases the "stories that make America's Army." Meet the future and learn from the past as the Army executes its missions in support of the nation. Provided by Soldiers Radio and Television.

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Army Reserve Today

U.S. Army Reserve is a fifteen minute produced news program highlighting Army Reserve Soldiers, units, commands, families and others who make up our grass roots support base world-wide.

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Army Today

Features stories about current U.S. Army operations both overseas and domestic. Provided by Soldiers Radio and Television.

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Around the Air Force

Features stories from around the Air Force. Produced by US Air Force.

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Around The Peninsula

A daily 3 minute radio newscast about events in and around Korea. Produced by American Forces Network Korea.

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