Fact #364: March 21, 2005
Historical Gas Prices, 1919–2004

On average, the price of gasoline was higher in 2004 than it has ever been before; however, when adjusted for inflation (constant dollars), gasoline cost more in 1981 than it does today.

Average Annual Gasoline Pump Price, 1919–2004
Graph showing the average annual gasoline pump price and the pump price when adjusted for inflation from 1919 through 2004.

Source: Energy Information Administration

Supporting Information

Average Annual Gasoline Pump Price, 1919–2004
Year Retail Gasoline Price
(current dollars/gallon)
Retail Gasoline Price
(constant 2005 dollars/gallon)
1919 0.25 2.84
1920 0.30 2.87
1921 0.26 2.83
1922 0.25 2.90
1923 0.22 2.48
1924 0.21 2.36
1925 0.22 2.44
1926 0.23 2.54
1927 0.21 2.34
1928 0.21 2.35
1929 0.21 2.41
1930 0.20 2.30
1931 0.17 2.15
1932 0.18 2.53
1933 0.18 2.65
1934 0.19 2.71
1935 0.19 2.64
1936 0.19 2.70
1937 0.20 2.68
1938 0.20 2.67
1939 0.19 2.60
1940 0.18 2.53
1941 0.19 2.52
1942 0.20 2.42
1943 0.21 2.29
1944 0.21 2.25
1945 0.21 2.19
1946 0.21 2.05
1947 0.23 1.99
1948 0.26 2.07
1949 0.27 2.16
1950 0.27 2.14
1951 0.27 2.01
1952 0.28 2.00
1953 0.29 2.07
1954 0.29 2.08
1955 0.29 2.09
1956 0.30 2.12
1957 0.31 2.12
1958 0.30 2.02
1959 0.31 2.03
1960 0.31 2.03
1961 0.31 1.98
1962 0.31 1.95
1963 0.30 1.91
1964 0.30 1.89
1965 0.31 1.90
1966 0.32 1.91
1967 0.33 1.91
1968 0.34 1.87
1969 0.35 1.83
1970 0.36 1.77
1971 0.36 1.73
1972 0.36 1.86
1973 0.39 1.68
1974 0.52 2.05
1975 0.57 2.05
1976 0.59 2.01
1977 0.62 1.97
1978 0.63 1.86
1979 0.86 2.28
1980 1.25 2.91
1981 1.38 2.92
1982 1.26 2.51
1983 1.20 2.33
1984 1.18 2.18
1985 1.17 2.09
1986 0.89 1.56
1987 0.91 1.54
1988 0.91 1.48
1989 0.98 1.53
1990 1.13 1.66
1991 1.10 1.56
1992 1.09 1.49
1993 1.07 1.43
1994 1.07 1.40
1995 1.11 1.40
1996 1.20 1.47
1997 1.20 1.44
1998 1.03 1.22
1999 1.14 1.31
2000 1.49 1.66
2001 1.43 1.55
2002 1.34 1.44
2003 1.56 1.63
2004 1.85 1.89

Source: Energy Information Administration


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