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NIAMS Coalition

NIAMS Coalition
NIAMS Coalition members engage in a roundtable discussion NIAMS Coalition members engage in a discussion of research opportunities.

The NIAMS Coalition is an independent consortium of professional and voluntary organizations that are national in scope. These organizations raise awareness about NIAMS research into the basic understanding, causes, incidence, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the bones, joints, muscles, and skin. They are key partners of the NIAMS, and serve as the voices of the patients and professionals for whom NIAMS works.

The NIAMS interacts with the Coalition in a variety of ways. The Institute involves Coalition members in NIAMS-sponsored scientific meetings and retreats, roundtable discussions, and listening sessions, where research needs across the spectrum of diseases within the NIAMS portfolio are addressed. Regular interactions with the NIAMS Coalition, including meetings and teleconferences with senior NIAMS staff, and multicultural outreach efforts, are designed to foster and facilitate information sharing. Major Coalition-related events include:

See a list of NIAMS Coalition members.

For more information on the NIAMS Coalition, contact NIAMS Acting Public Liaison Officer Reaya Reuss.