ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit 2011

Full Program Agenda

Monday February 28

Pre-Conference Workshop - Separate Registration Required Until Evening Showcase
7:00 AM Registration Open and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Workshop Welcome and ARPA-E Primer (presentation)
Arun Majumdar, Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Eric Toone, Deputy Director for Technology, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Shane Kosinski, Deputy Director for Operations, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
9:50 AM Coffee Break
10:05 AM Breakout Sessions: ARPA-E Future Technology Workshops
To explore the “white space” of energy research and identify critical new areas for technology development, ARPA-E has held a number of workshops with researchers and thought leaders from academia, national labs, government, and industry. These breakout sessions will present some of the key findings from these workshops and will invite additional discussion from those in attendance.
Sunshot (presentation)
Rajeev Ram, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Program Manager, Solar Energy Technologies Program, U.S. Department of Energy
Rare Earth and Critical Materials Technologies (presentation)
Mark Johnson, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
High Density Thermal Energy Storage (presentation)
Ravi Prasher, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
10:55 AM Breakout Sessions: ARPA-E Future Technology Workshops
Applied Biotechnology for Transportation Fuels (presentation)
Jonathan Burbaum, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Green Electricity Network Integration (GENI) (presentation)
Rajeev Ram, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
11:40 AM Networking Lunch
12:40 PM Breakout Sessions: Technology Town Halls
ARPA-E actively looks for new areas for investment that could result in a transformation of the energy system. This session will provide an opportunity for the community to participate in discussion with industry leaders on two new areas of interest: “The Energy-Water Nexus” and “Natural Gas Conversion to Liquid Fuels”.
The Energy-Water Nexus (presentation)
Moderator - Nick Cizek, Fellow, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Nikolay Voutchkov, President, Water Globe Consulting, LLC
Michael Hightower, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
Natural Gas to Liquid Fuels (presentation)
Moderator - Karma Sawyer, Fellow, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Donald Paul, Executive Director & William M. Keck Chair of Energy Resources, USC Energy Institute
Lee Tonkovich, CTO, Velocys, Inc.
1:35 PM Building Strategic Partnerships
In developing new energy technologies, partnering with a large industry player can provide access to the capital, knowledge, and resources necessary to succeed in scaling up and reaching the marketplace. Recently, large corporations are becoming increasingly active in investing in, partnering with, and acquiring new energy technologies. This panel will focus on how small businesses can engage with large corporations and what mechanisms (e.g., joint ventures, joint development agreements, licensing agreements, equity investments, distribution partnerships) have proven successful.
Moderator - Tom Baruch, Chairman; Founder, Codexis, CMEA Capital
Joel Moxley, CEO, Foro Energy
William Heisey, Director, Programs & Technology, Lockheed Martin Electronic Systems
John Lushetsky, Deputy Program Manager, U.S. Department of Energy
Steven Taub, Senior Vice President, Investment Strategy, GE, Energy Financial Services
Alan Shaw, President & CEO, Codexis, Inc.
2:35 PM Break
3:00 PM Breakout Panels
Venture Capital Funding: Prospecting in a Constrained Environment
In 2010 “Cleantech” became one of the three largest categories of venture capital investing. The sector is increasingly attracting top entrepreneurs, technologists, and businesses. ARPA-E has helped support research at the earliest stages of commercialization, but how do innovators move beyond early seed funding? This workshop will discuss the various types of capital available to a startup, when and where each type of capital is appropriate to raise, and what the investor requirements are at each stage of fundraising. Our speakers will discuss the subtleties of what makes a cleantech startup attractive for venture capital investors today, and how to build a business that can successfully navigate the fundraising gauntlet from seed to industrial scale.
Moderator - Will Coleman, Partner, Mohr Davidow
Luka Erceg, President & CEO, Simbol Materials
Michael Borrus, General Partner, X/Seed Capital Management
Daniel Gross, Partner, Hudson Clean Energy Partners, L.P.
Technology Launch: From Universities and National Labs to the Marketplace
Our research universities and national labs are the hotbed of discovery and innovation. Research-based innovations emerging from these institutions are expected to translate into commercial opportunities, especially in the form of startups that would create additional jobs and drive economic growth. This panel will discuss challenges and opportunities in commercializing innovative research, how startups form around entrepreneurial teams, and the ecosystems that are able to sponsor and support them. Our panelists have experience in research, entrepreneurship, management, tech-transfer, and early stage investment. We will discuss philosophies espoused by some of the most successful tech transfer programs in the country, highlight success stories of commercialization of research and lessons learned, share personal stories of founders’ journeys, and discuss best practices and areas for improvement. The panel should be of most interest to faculty and researchers, tech transfer officers, early stage entrepreneurs, and angel/venture investors.
Moderator - Bilal Zuberi, Principal, General Catalyst Partners
Eric Isaacs, Director, Argonne National Laboratory
Luis Mejia, Senior Associate, Office of Technology Licensing, Stanford University
Howard Lee, Founder & CTO, Stion Corporation
Colin South, Founder & CEO, Novogy Corporation
4:00 PM The Government Role in Energy R&D -- followed by Focused Networking Session with Funding Programs
The Federal government invests billions of dollars each year in energy R&D. This panel brings together senior leaders from the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, and the Small Business Administration to discuss their agencies’ roles in funding and supporting energy R&D, including a range of new and recently created programs. Following the panel, there will be a networking session where participants can meet representatives from DOE, DOD and SBA to learn more about their energy R&D programs, including how to apply for funding.
Moderator - Henry Kelly, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Sean Greene, Associate Administrator for Investment & Special Advisor for Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration
Zach Lemnios, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, U.S. Department of Defense
Steven Koonin, Under Secretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy
5:30 PM Technology Showcase and Reception
Open to All Registered Attendees - Showcase closes at 8:00pm

Tuesday March 1

7:00 AM Registration Open and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM ARPA-E Summit Opening
Oopening Keynote Address (presentation) (video)
Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
8:55 AM Congressional Keynotes
Senator Mark Udall, (D-CO)
Senator Lisa Murkowski, (R-AK)
9:20 AM ARPA-E Director's Overview
Keynote (video)
Arun Majumdar, Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
9:45 AM Break
10:15 AM ARPA-E Profile Video: 1366 Technologies (video)
10:25 AM Keynote (video)
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California
10:50 AM Re-Inventing American Energy Manufacturing
The Recovery Act is making a historic down payment towards U.S. leadership in R&D and manufacturing of clean energy technologies. But as these industries grow globally over the coming decade, can the U.S. stay competitive and maintain leadership in high tech clean energy manufacturing? Or will overseas competitors inevitably dominate manufacturing in this sector? How can the U.S. establish a long term competitive advantage through process innovation and breakthrough technologies? What lessons from traditional high tech industries (e.g., semiconductors, biotech, networking equipment) might apply to these emerging clean energy industries? How have companies like Intel maintained high levels of U.S. manufacturing while staying globally competitive?
Moderator- Ron Bloom, Assistant to the President for Manufacturing Policy (National Economic Council), The White House
John Engler, President, Business Rountable
Peter Y. Solmssen, Chairman, Siemens Corporation
John Baumstark, Chairman & CEO, Suniva, Inc.
Bruce Sohn, President, First Solar
11:50 AM Break to Visit Technology Showcase
12:30 PM Lunch
1:45 PM ARPA-E Project Spotlights
Advanced Batteries (presentation)
Enabling EV’s with High Energy Low Cost Lithium Ion Batteries
Sujeet Kumar, President & CTO, Envia Systems (presentation)
Printable High Energy All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries, Scott Faris, CEO, Planar Energy Devices, Inc.
Semi-Solid Rechargeable Power Sources
Yet-Ming Chiang, Chief Scientist, 24M Technologies
Ultra-High Energy Rechargeable Lithium-Air Batteries, Steve Visco, CTO, PolyPlus Battery Company
Advanced Fuels (presentation)
Cyanobacteria for Solar-Powered Biofuel Production, Willem Vermaas, Foundation Professor, Arizona State University (presentation)
Ammonia Oxidizing Reverse Microbial Fuel Cell, Scott Banta, Associate Professor, Columbia University (presentation)
Microbial Electrosynthesis, Derek Lovley, Distinguished University Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst (presentation)
Microbial ElectroCatalytic (MEC) Biofuel Production, Steve Singer, Geological Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (presentation)
Zero Carbon Power (presentation)
Phase-Changing Absorbents for CO2 Capture, Robert Perry, GE Global Research (presentation)
Biocatalyst for Accelerating CO2 Capture Kinetics, James Lalonde, VP of Research & Development, Codexis, Inc. (presentation)
Mixer-Ejector Wind Turbine, Lars Andersen, CEO, FloDesign
Airborne Wind Turbines, Corwin Hardham, CEO, Makani
2:30 PM Breakout Panels
Electric Vehicles: Moving Beyond Early Adopters
High purchase costs and limited driving range currently stand in the way of mass adoption of electric vehicles in the US. But what will the landscape look like several years hence, with improvements in battery technology, the build out of smart charging infrastructure, new business and financing models, and a range of new players in the auto industry? Can new battery chemistries and architectures scale up and compete, or will lithium ion batteries continue to dominate? Which technologies and business approaches will be the key to enabling widespread adoption of EVs? Will electrification unleash car design from the long-imposed constraints of combustion vehicles (such as the need to protect the driver from a heavy engine and a volatile gas tank)? Will batteries and electric drives be produced by the same Tier 1 suppliers and will cars be sold by the same dealers active in the industry today, or will EVs open up opportunities for a whole range of new players (like electric utilities or big box retailers)?
Moderator - David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy & International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy
Mary Ann Wright, Vice President, Global Technology & Innovation, Power Solutions, Johnson Controls Inc.
Dennis Beal, Vice President Global Vehicles, FedEx Express, Inc.
Chad Bell, Platform Lead/Sr.Director - Personal Mobility New Business Solutions Group, Best Buy Company
Mary Beth Stanek, Director, Federal Environmental & Energy Regulatory Affairs, General Motors
Mike Granoff, Head of Oil Independence Policies, Better Place
Advanced Fuels
Many cellulosic and advanced biofuels technologies, including several supported by Recovery Act funding, have advanced beyond the lab to pilot and demonstration projects. But how far are we from seeing cost-competitive sources of cellulosic ethanol or renewable gasoline, diesel and jet fuel? What are the key technical economic, and regulatory barriers standing in the way? What are the policies or technical barriers that, if removed, could unlock the industry’s growth? What is the role for new breakthrough technologies?
Moderator - Paul Bryan, Program Manager, Biomass, U.S. Department of Energy
David Berry, Partner, Flagship Ventures
John Quinn, Deputy Director, Chief of Naval Operations, Environmental Readiness Division, U.S. Navy
Harrison Dillon, Co-Founder & CTO, Solazyme, Inc.
80x35: The Race to Low-Cost, Low-Carbon Power
In his recent state of the union address, President Obama called for a national goal of reaching 80 percent clean electricity by 2035. This panel will discuss what the future might look like for the full range of lower-carbon power sources, including renewables, such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biomass; coal with carbon capture and sequestration; nuclear; and natural gas. Which of these will be economically viable, available options in the future? What are the key market, policy, and technology drivers? Given the current low price of natural gas, can the other power sources compete? How do electric utilities see the tradeoffs?
Moderator - Richard Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration
David Mohler, Senior VP & CTO, Duke Energy Corp.
Kurt Yeager, Executive Director, Galvin Electricity Initiative
Kathleen McGinty, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, Strategic Growth, Weston Solutions, Inc.
3:30 PM Networking Sessions
Electric Vehicles
Advanced Fuels
Low Carbon Power
4:05 PM Keynote (presentation)
Charles Holliday, Jr., former Chairman & CEO, DuPont; Chairman, Bank of America
4:30 PM Efficiency as the Path to Business Profitability
Can efficiency be a strategic driver of competitiveness and profitability for businesses? What’s beyond incremental approaches to energy efficiency: are there real game changers – either breakthrough technologies or breakthrough business models – that can unhitch our economy from current resource constraints and enable us to do much more while also using less? Are there technologies that can enable “energy recycling” such as waste energy capture and energy harvesting? And are there systems design approaches that would allow us to create optimally interlinked industrial ecosystems?
Moderator - Arati Prabhakar, Partner, U.S. Venture Partners
Art Rosenfeld, Distinguished Scientist Emeritus, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael McQuade, Senior VP for Science & Technology, United Technologies Corp.
Thomas Siebel, Chairman, First Virtual Group
Andrew Winston, Environmental Strategist & Author, Winston Eco-Strategies, LLC
5:30 PM Technology Showcase and Reception
Open to All Registered Attendees - Showcase closes at 8:00pm

Wednesday March 2

7:00 AM Registration Open and Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM Congressional Keynotes
Introduction by Dan Poneman, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
Senator Lamar Alexander, (R-TN)
Representative Steve Israel, (D-NY, 2nd District)
8:55 AM ARPA-E Profile Video: Electrofuels (video)
9:05 AM Keynote
Introduction by William Perry, former Secretary of Defense, Professor, Stanford University
Raymond Mabus, Secretary of the Navy, U.S. Navy
9:30 AM Changing the Game in Natural Gas: The Role of Breakthrough Technologies
The U.S. has the sixth largest proven natural gas reserves, at over 245 trillion cubic feet. Recent shale gas discoveries and development are dramatically increasing the U.S. domestic resource base and strengthening our energy security. But we won’t succeed in unlocking the full potential of our natural gas resources without new technologies, especially in the area of inexpensive conversion of natural gas to valuable liquid fuels and chemicals, reducing our need for imported oil. There are also exciting technology opportunities throughout the natural gas value chain: in exploration, drilling, hydraulic fracturing, production, transportation, storage, and water separation.
Moderator - John Podesta, President & CEO, Center for American Progress
Ernie Moniz, former Under Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy; Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Donald Paul, Executive Director & William M. Keck Chair of Energy Resources, USC Energy Institute
Alex Tkachenko, President, Siluria Technologies, Inc.
Ajit Sapre, Group President, Research & Technology, Reliance Industries Limited
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM The Future Grid
What might the “Future Grid” look like? Thinking beyond the immediate steps over the next 3 to 5 years, how might the grid work 10+ years in the future when there is ubiquitous distributed and renewable generation at every business and home, distributed storage all across the grid, and robust intelligence to manage and automate an exponentially more complex system? What will be the implications when we move electrons around like packets, point-to-point and not just from the center to the periphery? Just as it was difficult to envision a business like eBay before the advent of communications protocols (TCP/IP) and distributed storage (servers) for the Internet, it’s also difficult to envision how a truly “Future Grid” might work. Will homes become their own micro-utilities, selling energy and services instead of just receiving bills? Will electric utilities survive the coming disruption to their highly-regulated business model?
Moderator - Matt Rogers, Director; former Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Recovery Act Implementation, U.S. Department of Energy, McKinsey & Company
Michael Howard, President & CEO, Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Laura Ipsen, SVP/GM Connected Energy, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Eugene Litvinov, Senior Director of Business Architecture & Technology, ISO New England, Inc.
12:00 PM Lunch
1:15 PM ARPA-E Project Spotlights
Grid Storage (presentation)
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage, V.R. Ramanan, PPTR Technology Support, ABB (presentation)
Long Duration Flywheel Energy Storage, Dick Hockney, Chief Engineer, Beacon Power (presentation)
Soluble Lead Acid Flow Battery, David M. Keogh, Engineer, Special Projects Office, General Atomics (presentation)
Building Cooling (presentation)
Dehumidification Membranes for Air Conditioning, Wei Lu, Chief Engineer, ADMA (presentation)
Non-Equilibrium Asymmetric Thermoelectrics (NEAT), Uttam Ghoshal, CEO, Sheetak (presentation)
Modular Thermal Hub for Buildings, Srinivas Garimella, Professor & Director, Georgia Tech (presentation)
Sorption Cooling with Metal-Organic Heat Carriers, Peter McGrail, Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Power Electronics (presentation)
Silicon Carbide Multichip Power Modules for PHEVs, Ty McNut, Director, Business Development, APEI (presentation)
Thick-film Nanomagnetics for Efficient Power Electronics, Satish Prabhakaran, Project Lead, GE Global Research (presentation)
Efficient, Compact GaN Power Conversion Modules
Primit Parikh, President, Transphorm, Inc.
Direct AC Converter Cells for Dynamic Grid Control, Deepak Divan, Consortium Director, Georgia Tech (presentation)
1:55 PM Industry Panels
Energy Storage
Other than pumped storage hydropower, today’s electric grid does not have much storage, but a range of new energy storage technologies – from batteries to flywheels to compressed air – promise to bring low cost energy storage to the grid. But beyond the emergence of new technologies, regulatory frameworks and business models will need to emerge to enable the widespread deployment of grid storage. Some companies have chosen to sell their technology directly to a utility or load serving entity, while others have chosen to vertically integrate and sell their capabilities as a service. Approaches such as these have key implications for business strategy. This panel will describe real examples of how small businesses have tapped into this market, and how their experiences may serve as a framework for commercialization.
Moderator - Dan Rastler, Program Manager, Energy Storage & Distributed Energy Resources, Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Bill Capp, President & CEO, Beacon Power Corp.
Chris Shelton, President, AES Energy Storage, LLC
Jon Wellinghoff, Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Terry Boston, President & CEO, PJM Interconnection
Energy Efficiency – The Smart Home
Clearly, today, homes aren’t as energy efficient as they could be. While some companies are working on retrofitting homes to be more efficient, including new financing and business models, others are working on designing better interfaces for home energy information and control. What do these solutions look like, and how will they help? Looking further in the future, what will a fully “Smart Home look like? In a Smart Home, how will we be able to use sensors, controls, smart appliances, LED lighting, solar panels on the roof, EVs in the garage, and a smart energy management system? Will the adoption of Smart Home features be driven primarily by financial savings or by other factors, like comfort, convenience, and control? Which industry players will be at the forefront of providing these solutions to the homeowner?
Moderator - Colin McCormick, Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
J. Stephan Dolezalek, Managing Director & Group Leader, CleanTech, VantagePoint Venture Partners
Seth Frader-Thompson, Co-Founder & CEO, EnergyHub Inc.
David McCalpin, General Manager, Home Energy Management, GE Appliances
Matt Golden, Co-Founder & President, Recurve Inc.
Power Electronics
80% of all electrical energy will flow through power electronics by 2030. Achieving a more efficient, more controllable, more resilient electricity infrastructure will demand unprecedented innovation in materials, circuits, and systems. This panel will begin by exploring innovation and commercialization of advanced materials for power systems. The panelists will explore the impact of advanced power components on systems from wind integration to military systems to advanced transmission.
Moderator - Rajeev Ram, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
John Palmour, Chief Technology Officer, Power & RF, Cree, Inc.
Mark Rosker, Deputy Director, Microsystems Technology Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Ralph Teichmann, Manager Product Line Power Electronics, GE Infrastructure Energy-Power & Water
Le Tang, VP & Head of U.S. Corporate Research, ABB
2:55 PM Networking Session
Grid Scale Energy Storage
Energy Efficiency
Power Electronics
3:35 PM Conference Close
Platinum Sponsors
Ernst & Young Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Silicon Valley Bank
Gold Sponsors
Autodesk MDB MDB
Corporate Acceleration Partners
Applied Materials Battelle BOSCH BNL
Case Western Reserve University Constellation Energy elstat Dupont
elstat EWI Research Center General Atomics Lockheed Martin
United Technologies Research Center  
*Partner Organizations are participants in programs designed to accelerate technology commercialization.
Silver Sponsor
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
Investor Acceleration Partners
Mohr Davidow Sequoia
*Partner Organizations are participants in matchmaking program for one-on-one meetings with Technology Showcase participants.
Technology Development Partners
Argonne C2B2 C2B2 Idaho National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory NETL NREL Oak Ridge National Lab
Palo Alto Research Center SunShot Initiative The U.S. Department of Energy EERE The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
Student Patron Program Sponsors
Baruch Future Ventures Mohr Davidow Venrock
Federal Agency Partner
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