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Caucuses and Memberships

Congressman Lance belongs to the following Caucuses in the U.S House of Representatives:

House Republican Israel Caucus: The Caucus helps to educate members and staff on current events, administration policies, and regional issues related to Israel while connecting them with leading Middle East policy analysts, leading outreach to the Jewish community and holding bi-partisan events with the Democratic Israel Working Group.
Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus: The Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus is a bipartisan group of congressional members dedicated to maintaining and strengthening the nation's medical schools and teaching hospitals.
Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease: The Task Force's mission is to improve the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's through increased funding for research and increased support to Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. The goal is to educate and focus attention on Alzheimer's disease and all its implications, encourage research funding for the discovery of treatments and a possible cure, open bipartisan discussion on how to meet the long-term care needs of those afflicted, and consider and create meaningful bipartisan legislation.

Congressional Rare Disease Caucus: (Co-founder) The goals of the Rare Disease Caucus are to bring Congressional attention to the nearly 7,000 known rare diseases that currently have no approved therapies, ensure sufficient funding for research and orphan product development, explore ways to incentivize companies to create new drugs, biologics and humanitarian use devices, and provide an opportunity for Members of Congress, families, and advocacy groups to exchange ideas and policy concerns. Rare and neglected diseases afflict nearly 30 million Americans, approximately half of whom are children.
Congressional Brain Injury Task Force: The Task Force’s mission is to further education and awareness of brain injury (incidence, prevalence, prevention, and treatment) and support funding for basic and applied research on brain injury rehabilitation and development of a cure.

Pediatric Cancer Caucus: The mission of the bipartisan Pediatric Cancer Caucus is to serve as a clearinghouse for information on pediatric cancer and a forum to aid Members of Congress in working together to address pediatric cancer. The Caucus will strive to raise awareness about pediatric cancer, advocate in support of measures to prevent the pain, suffering and long-term effects of childhood cancers, and work toward the goal of eliminating cancer as a threat to all children.
Cancer Care Working Group: The CCWG focuses on issues related to patient treatment and recovery for those fighting the battle against cancer. The goal is to educate members on the difficulties faced by those receiving treatment for cancer.
Congressional Diabetes Caucus: The Congressional Diabetes Caucus was formed in 1996 and has grown to be the largest caucus in Congress with close to 250 members in the 111th Congress. The mission of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus is to educate members of Congress and their staff about diabetes and to support legislative activities that would improve diabetes research, education and treatment.

Congressional Glaucoma Caucus: The Congressional Glaucoma Caucus is dedicated to helping all Americans fight the scourge of glaucoma and other eye diseases through education and screening campaigns.
Congressional Heart and Stroke Coalition: With over 200 members,the Coalition raises awareness of the seriousness of cardiovascular diseases and is a resource center on heart and stroke issues, including biomedical research, quality and availability of care and health promotion/disease prevention.  The coalition also works to advance public policy aimed at fighting cardiovascular diseases.

Congressional Humanities Caucus: The Congressional Humanities Caucus was founded to ensure the vitality of the humanities in American life and to provide a forum for Members of Congress to engage in the humanities in current public policy issues. Members of the caucus work together to strengthen the nation’s awareness of history, literature, languages, philosophy, ethics, religion, anthropology, government, linguistics, and other humanities disciplines.
Congressional Caucus on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children: This caucus builds awareness around helping find children who are currently missing and works to prevent future abductions. The Caucus has initiated community, state, and national efforts to combat the growth of child abduction and exploitation throughout the country - like the Amber Alert, Code Adam, Know the Rules and other programs.
Passenger Rail Caucus:  The Passenger Rail Caucus is a bipartisan group who are dedicated to improving rail transportation.  The Caucus is intent on facilitating communication between Members of Congress, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Homeland Security, Amtrak, commuter rail lines, state and local governments, and all of the other experts and concerned groups with an
interest in passenger rail.  The goal of the Caucus is to identify and discuss solutions for sustaining and improving passenger rail service - which is critical to our transportation system.
House Small Brewers Caucus: The Caucus was formed to gain a better understanding of all aspects of small brewing, from business and regulatory issues to the brewing process and history of the small brewing community. The purpose of the House Small Brewers Caucus is to provide elected officials and their staff an interactive opportunity to learn about the dynamics of running a small business as a brewery and the quality, process and value of craft beers and small brewing activities.
Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus: The bipartisan Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus was formed in April of 2006 to raise awareness of refuge issues, support adequate refuge budgets, and foster strategic growth of the refuge system.

House Land Conservation Caucus: The Caucus seeks to educate Members of Congress and their staffs about issues of importance to the conservation and preservation of open space and to encourage policy that promotes this end in order to preserve the beauty and regional charms of our country, maintain clean air and clean water, and promote the public health of our communities.

House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus: The REEEC was established in 1996 as a bipartisan forum discussing and disseminating information about renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Caucus: Founded in 2005, the Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Caucus is a bipartisan caucus working to raise awareness about the economic and environmental benefits of hydrogen, as well as its strategic importance to our national security. The Caucus focuses on the emerging industry surrounding hydrogen fuel cell and hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles, while exploring hydrogen’s potential to power everything from homes to cellular phones.
U.S.-China Working Group: The bipartisan U.S.-China Working Group educates members and staff on U.S.-China issues through meetings and briefings with academic, business and political leaders from the U.S. and China. The USCWG provides a forum for honest, open and frank discussion about U.S.-China relations and membership in the group does not imply taking a position on key issues.