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Selected Corporate Annual Reports on Microfiche,

Compiled by
Ellen Terrell and
Suzanne Kalil, Intern (2006/2007)

Business Reference Services
October 2007
Updated February 2012


This guide presents an alphabetical listing by company of selected annual reports on microfiche for the years 1975-1983 held in the Business Reading Room of the Library of Congress. Although all reports fall within these fiscal years, holdings for most companies do not cover the complete date range. The reports were received as a gift from the Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT.

For earlier holdings of annual reports on microfiche, please see our on-line guide to Selected Pre-1974 Corporate Annual Reports on Microfiche. Additionally, Q-File's microfiche collection of documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC file: Microfiche Database of Corporate Annual Reports and U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission Documents for the fiscal years 1978-1997, is available in the Business Reference Alcove and accessible through print indexes. Holdings for many companies do not cover the complete date range or necessarily include all documents filed. Also available in the Business Alcove is an imcomplete microfiche collection of international company reports issued by the Center for International Financial Analysis and Research. The reports, which cover various dates in the 1980's, are filed by country and then by company.


+ Microfiche, Business Reference Services collection
Microfiche Reports
Business Reference Services, Library of Congress

Table of Contents


A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     

K     L     M     N     O     P     Q  R     S     T     

U     V     W     X Y Z

Other corporate annual reports available at the Library of Congress include print copies of selected corporate reports to shareholders dated prior to 1960. To identify companies for which reports are available, search the Library's online catalog by company name. Selected corporate reports are also available in the following subscription databases available to patrons on-site at the Library of Congress.

  • ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
  • Includes reports to shareholders for 800 companies dated from 1844 to the present.
  • Mergent Online
  • Includes SEC filings and US annual reports for over 15,000 public U.S. companies, as well as international company data including annual reports for approximately 17,000 companies. Dates of coverage vary but generally do not include reports prior to 1996.
  • ABI/INFORM Complete
  • Includes annual reports from approximately 1,000 leading North American companies. Dates vary by company and cover the period 1986-1989.
  • eol AsiaOne
  • Includes annual reports and/or data on over 4000 publicly-traded companies in Japan and approximately 6000 in East Asia. In Japanese and English.

Patrons seeking annual reports for companies which operated in the New York City area may also be interested in the Columbia Historical Corporate Reports Online Collection digitized by Columbia University Libraries, which includes approximately 770 corporate reports issued between the 1850's and the early 1960's, representing 36 companies.

If you have additional questions about annual reports at the Library of Congress, please Ask A Librarian.

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  The Library of Congress >> Researchers
  May 4, 2012
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