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Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Winner of First Attendance Competition

Today, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Baltimore City Public Schools CEO Dr. Andrés Alonso announced the winners of the first Mayor’s Attendance Campaign competition.  Attendance for pre-K and kindergarten students increased six percentage points over last year at the winning school.  


Mayor's Attendance Campaign

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News from the Mayor's Attendance Campaign!

Pinned on: Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Congratulations to Westside Elementary, the winners of the first Mayor's Attendance Campaign competition!

The pre-K and kindergarten students at Westside Elementary have won by increasing their average daily attendance for the first month of school from 89 percent last year to 95 percent this year.

The winning students will have a fun day at Port Discovery, and the school will receive a $1,000 grant from Comcast!

Click here to read more ...

A New Baltimore City Website

Pinned on: Saturday, June 02, 2012

On June 2, 2012, The Mayor's Office of Information Technology launched a brand new Baltimore City website.

The entire web communications platform, from the core strategy to the front-end coding and design has been completely revamped from the ground up with a focus on streamlining processes, quality, extensibility and sustainability; all with existing resources.

We hope you like the changes we are making. If you have questions or comments, please email the Webmaster. Also, don't forget to check out the CIO's Corner for more Baltimore technology discussion.

Hire One Youth

Pinned on: Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is inviting every employer in Baltimore to step up to the plate and support Baltimore City’s YouthWorks campaign in 2012. If every employer will – at a minimum – Hire One Youth, our city’s young people will be productively engaged this summer and all of Baltimore will benefit. Please join Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s citywide effort to make the summer of 2012 work for everyone – businesses, youth and our economy.

Clean Community Competition 2012

Pinned on: Monday, February 06, 2012

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake and the Department of Public Works are challenging Baltimore City communities to get involved and get Baltimore growing – starting right in our own neighborhoods.

Balancing the Budget

Pinned on: Thursday, January 05, 2012

The City has built an online tool to allow you to provide your insight into balancing the budget based on the choices we must face. How would you balance the City’s budget? 

Nominations Wanted ! Richard A. Lidinsky, Sr. Award

Pinned on: Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Richard A. Lidinsky, Sr. Award was established in 2004 in memory of this faithful servant. Each year, the Lidinsky Awards Committee selects an employee who exemplifies the same attributes as Mr. Lidinsky. The award recipient will receive $2,500, his or her name on a commemorative plaque in the Rotunda of City Hall and a special awards ceremony where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake will present the award. Additionally, two runner-ups will be awarded prizes of$1,000 each. 

For details please download the Lidinsky Nomination Application

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Mayor's Office of Information Technology

This website was hand crafted by the Mayor's Office of Information Technology for the Citizens of Baltimore City.

Citizen feedback and participation is welcome and highly encouraged. If you'd like to help make this website better, please email the Webmaster.

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