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News: III MEF Commanding General addresses Marines, sailors

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CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa, Japan - As part of United States Forces Japan directed training period and recent curfew restrictions, Lt. Gen. Kenneth J. Glueck, III Marine Expeditionary Force Commanding General and Okinawa Area Coordinator, addressed Marines and sailors on the importance of being committed, responsible members of the community here among our Okinawan neighbors on the Camp Foster parade field Oct. 25 at 9:30 a.m.

Glueck visited all Marine Corps camps and installations on Okinawa October 24 and 25 emphasizing the importance of our community relationship and upholding our high standards of honor and respect to all Marines and sailors stationed here.

"Every Marine on Okinawa became a diplomat the moment he or she landed on Okinawa," Glueck said to Marines and sailors present. "Conduct yourselves accordingly when interacting with our hosts and be the best diplomat you can be for our country and service!"

Every Marine and sailor is expected to take personal responsibility for his or her off-duty conduct, and act as a respectful ambassador of the United States when out among the community.

"Our most valuable relationships are with our community neighbors, and we take our responsibilities to those relationships very seriously," said Glueck.

In addition to this recently directed training, annual and regularly-scheduled training are currently in place to continually refresh the Marine Corps' high standards of conduct in the community.

Upon their arrival in Japan, Marines and sailors receive cultural awareness training during Newcomer Orientation Briefs which focuses on the importance of local culture, customs and courtesies, local law, Status of Forces Agreement rights and responsibilities as well as safety issues in Japan. The Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has conducted cultural awareness seminars on some U.S. military installations to educate U.S. service members and their families on history and culture.

The Okinawa Prefectural Police provide regular training to new arrivals on Okinawa which include traffic safety, cultural differences as well as customs and courtesies. Additionally, the subject of proper off-duty behavior is discussed by leaders with their Marines and sailors prior to any weekend or liberty period.

High-resolution photos associated with Lt. Gen. Glueck addressing the troops will be available later today for download on the III MEF/MCIPAC Flickr website in the Period of Reflections photo album at the link listed below:

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Date Taken:10.25.2012

Date Posted:10.25.2012 04:29


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