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1/25th SBCT Flu Vaccinations


1/25th SBCT Flu Vaccinations

Video by Pfc. Andrew Geisler | 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs | Date: 10.25.2011

B-roll of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Brigade Support Medical Company vaccinating soldiers in preparation of the upcoming flu season at Forward Operating Base Masum Ghar,... View Video

All Hands Update: Flu Vaccination


All Hands Update: Flu Vaccination

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity | Date: 10.21.2011

This edition features a story about Flu virus vaccinations View Video

Freedom Watch Update - Nov. 2


Freedom Watch Update - Nov. 2

Video by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Diaz | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 11.02.2010

This edition features stories about members of the Afghan National Army learning how to find and disable Improvised Explosive Devices at the Joint Security Academy, Southwest, amd Afghan farmers receiving free... View Video

Afghan Cows Get a Shot at Health, Package, Long Version


Afghan Cows Get a Shot at Health, Package, Long Version

Video by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.29.2010

Package made from "Afghan Cows Get a Shot at Health" b-roll about villagers in Afghanistan receiving vaccinations for their livestock and how the villagers responded. Produced by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown. Also... View Video

Freedom File - Oct. 29


Freedom File - Oct. 29

Video by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.29.2010

This edition features a story on about villagers in Afghanistan receiving vaccinations for their livestock and how the villagers responded. Produced by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown. Also available in high definition. View Video